
pull [pʊl]  [ pʊl] 


pull 基本解释

及物/不及物动词拉; 扯; 拉过来; 划(船)

及物动词赢得; 吸引异性; 取消; (耍手腕)得逞

名词拖; 爬; 影响力

pull 同义词

pull 反义词


pull 相关词组

1. pull in : 进站;

2. pull together : 齐心协力;

3. pull down : 摧毁, 推翻, 使降低, 使下跌, 使身体变差, 使萎靡, 获取;

4. pull out : 拔出;

5. pull up : 拔起, 停下, 阻止;

6. pull about : 把...拖来拖去, 粗暴对待;

7. pull over : 靠岸, 开到路边;

8. pull off : 脱, 努力实现, 赢得;

9. pull at : 用力拉;

10. pull round : 复原;

11. pull oneself together : 振作起来;

12. pull to pieces : 把...撕成碎片;

13. pull through : (使)渡过难关, (使)恢复健康;

14. pull apart : 把...撕开, 批评;

15. pull on : 用力拉;

16. pull away : 脱身, 离开;

17. pull it : 逃走;

pull 相关例句


1. A horse pulled the cart along the road.

2. pull的意思

2. The game pulled the largest crowd.

3. She pulled his sleeve to get his attention.

1. The driver pulled up (his car) at the gate of the school.


1. pull的解释

1. The drawer won''t pull out.

pull 网络解释


1. 拉手:类型防盗门/金属门/钢木门/标准门材质钢材/密度板 门框最大尺寸可按照要求定做(mm)颜色多样 开启方式左/右安全等级A级宽(width)860mm/950mm高(height)2050mm厚度(thickness)70mm锁具(lock)双快锁Dual-rapidinesslock拉手(pull)单色Singlec

pull 词典解释

1. 拉;拖;牵;扯
    When you pull something, you hold it firmly and use force in order to move it towards you or away from its previous position.


    e.g. They have pulled out patients'' teeth unnecessarily...
    e.g. He pulled on a jersey...

2. 拿出;抽出
    When you pull an object from a bag, pocket, or cupboard, you put your hand in and bring the object out.


    e.g. Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket...
    e.g. Wade walked quickly to the refrigerator and pulled out another beer.

3. 拉,拖(车或机械装置)
    When a vehicle, animal, or person pulls a cart or piece of machinery, they are attached to it or hold it, so that it moves along behind them when they move forward.


    e.g. This is early-20th-century rural Sussex, when horses still pulled the plough...
    e.g. He pulls a rickshaw, probably the oldest form of human taxi service.

4. 挣脱;移开;抽出
    If you pull yourself or pull a part of your body in a particular direction, you move your body or a part of your body with effort or force.

    e.g. Hughes pulled himself slowly to his feet...
    e.g. He pulled his arms out of the sleeves...

5. 停车;停下
    When a driver or vehicle pulls to a stop or a halt, the vehicle stops.

    e.g. He pulled to a stop behind a pickup truck...
    e.g. The train pulled to a halt at the platform.

6. 超前;领先
    In a race or contest, if you pull ahead of or pull away from an opponent, you gradually increase the amount by which you are ahead of them.


    e.g. He pulled away, extending his lead to 15 seconds...
    e.g. The six states he won in 1988 are the same states in which he has yet to pull ahead of his opponent.

7. 拆开;拆散
    If you pull something apart, you break or divide it into small pieces, often in order to put them back together again in a different way.

    e.g. If I wanted to improve the car significantly I would have to pull it apart and start again.

8. 拔出(枪或刀)威胁
    If someone pulls a gun or a knife on someone else, they take out a gun or knife and threaten the other person with it.


    e.g. They had a fight. One of them pulled a gun on the other...
    e.g. I pulled a knife and threatened her.

9. 吸引,拉拢(人群、观众或选民)
    To pull crowds, viewers, or voters means to attract them.

    e.g. The organisers have to employ performers to pull a crowd.

10. 吸引;影响
    If something pulls you or pulls your thoughts or feelings in a particular direction, it strongly attracts you or influences you in a particular way.


    e.g. Joe felt there was little he could do to help Betty, and his heart was pulling him elsewhere.

11. 拉力;牵引力;吸力;引力
      A pull is a strong physical force which causes things to move in a particular direction.

      e.g. ...the pull of gravity.

12. 支持;鼓励;为…打气
      If you are pulling for someone, you support and encourage them, especially in a competition.

      e.g. We''re all pulling for each other because we''re desperate to win the Cup back...
      e.g. You know I''ve been pulling for you.

13. 扭伤;拉伤
      If you pull a muscle, you injure it by straining it.

      e.g. Dave pulled a back muscle and could barely kick the ball...
      e.g. He suffered a pulled calf muscle.

14. 深吸(一口烟)
      If someone pulls on a cigarette, they take a deep breath with the cigarette in their mouth.


      e.g. Jeff leaned back and pulled on his cigarette.

15. (对某人)耍(花招),玩弄(手段)
      To pull a stunt or a trick on someone means to do something dramatic or silly in order to get their attention or trick them.

      e.g. Everyone saw the stunt you pulled on me.

16. 吸引;引诱
      If someone pulls someone else, they succeed in attracting them sexually and in spending the rest of the evening or night with them.

17. 别打哈哈了
      You can say to someone ''Pull the other one'' or ''Pull the other one, it''s got bells on'' to tell them that you do not believe what they have told you and you think they must be joking.


      e.g. What! A big bloke like you, beaten by his wife! Pull the other one; it''s got bells on.

18. to pull oneself up by one''s bootstraps -> see bootstraps
      to pull a face -> see face
      to pull a fast one -> see fast
      to pull someone''s leg -> see leg
      to pull your punches -> see punch
      to pull rank -> see rank
      to pull your socks up -> see sock
      to pull out all the stops -> see stop
      to pull strings -> see string
      to pull your weight -> see weight
      to pull the wool over someone''s eyes -> see wool

相关词组:pull awaypull backpull downpull inpull intopull offpull outpull overpull throughpull togetherpull uppull up on

pull 英英释义


1. the act of pulling
    applying force to move something toward or with you

    e.g. the pull up the hill had him breathing harder
           his strenuous pulling strained his back

    Synonym: pulling

2. a sustained effort

    e.g. it was a long pull but we made it

3. a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke)

    e.g. he took a puff on his pipe
           he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly

    Synonym: puffdrag

4. a device used for pulling something

    e.g. he grabbed the pull and opened the drawer

5. special advantage or influence

    e.g. the chairman''s nephew has a lot of pull

    Synonym: clout

6. the force used in pulling

    e.g. the pull of the moon
           the pull of the current

7. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments

    e.g. the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell
           he was sidelined with a hamstring pull

    Synonym: wrenchtwist


1. strain abnormally

    e.g. I pulled a muscle in my leg when I jumped up
           The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition

    Synonym: overstretch

2. take away

    e.g. pull the old soup cans from the supermarket shelf

3. take sides with
    align oneself with
    show strong sympathy for

    e.g. We all rooted for the home team
           I''m pulling for the underdog
           Are you siding with the defender of the title?

    Synonym: root for

4. remove, usually with some force or effort
    also used in an abstract sense

    e.g. pull weeds
           extract a bad tooth
           take out a splinter
           extract information from the telegram

    Synonym: extractpull outpull uptake outdraw out

5. strip of feathers

    e.g. pull a chicken
           pluck the capon

    Synonym: pluckteardeplumedeplumatedisplume

6. hit in the direction that the player is facing when carrying through the swing

    e.g. pull the ball

7. cause to move by pulling

    e.g. draw a wagon
           pull a sled

    Synonym: drawforce

8. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes

    e.g. Her good looks attract the stares of many men
           The ad pulled in many potential customers
           This pianist pulls huge crowds
           The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers

    Synonym: attractpull indrawdraw in

9. tear or be torn violently

    e.g. The curtain ripped from top to bottom
           pull the cooked chicken into strips

    Synonym: rendriprive

10. apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion

    e.g. Pull the rope
           Pull the handle towards you
           pull the string gently
           pull the trigger of the gun
           pull your knees towards your chin

11. rein in to keep from winning a race

      e.g. pull a horse

12. operate when rowing a boat

      e.g. pull the oars

13. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover

      e.g. draw a weapon
             pull out a gun
             The mugger pulled a knife on his victim

      Synonym: drawpull outget outtake out

14. steer into a certain direction

      e.g. pull one''s horse to a stand
             Pull the car over

15. move into a certain direction

      e.g. the car pulls to the right

16. cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense

      e.g. A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter

      Synonym: draw

17. perform an act, usually with a negative connotation

      e.g. perpetrate a crime
             pull a bank robbery

      Synonym: perpetratecommit

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