
pluck [plʌk]  [plʌk] 


pluck 基本解释

名词勇气,精神; 内脏; 快而猛的拉; 〈俚〉不及格

及物动词拔掉; 采,摘; 鼓起(勇气等); 弹(乐器)


pluck 相关词组

1. pluck up : 拔起, 鼓起勇气;

pluck 相关例句


1. pluck

1. He plucked the letter from her hands.

2. He was plucked in the examination.

3. When you kill a chicken to eat, you have to pluck it.


1. She plucked at the loose threads of her coat.


1. He showed pluck in fighting a boy much bigger than himself.

pluck 网络解释

1. 勇气 拔去(鸡、鸭等)毛, 采集:oil roll machine 辊式涂油机 | pluck 勇气 拔去(鸡、鸭等)毛, 采集 | cam band brake 凸轮带式制动器

2. 勇气:pluck up 振作 | pluck 勇气 | pluckily 有勇气地

3. 摘:plow 犁 | pluck 摘 | plug 栓

4. 拔:power 能量 | pluck 拔 | press 压

pluck 词典解释

1. 采;摘
    If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing.

    e.g. I plucked a lemon from the tree...
    e.g. He plucked a stalk of dried fennel.

2. 拔;拉;抽;扯
    If you pluck something from somewhere, you take it between your fingers and pull it sharply from where it is.


    e.g. He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street...
    e.g. He plucked the baby out of my arms...

3. 弹,拨(乐器)
    If you pluck a guitar or other musical instrument, you pull the strings with your fingers and let them go, so that they make a sound.

    e.g. Nell was plucking a harp.

4. 拔除(鸡或其他死禽)的毛
    If you pluck a chicken or other dead bird, you pull its feathers out to prepare it for cooking.

    e.g. She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken.

5. (用镊子)拔,修(眉毛)
    If a woman plucks her eyebrows, she pulls out some of the hairs using tweezers.


    e.g. You''ve plucked your eyebrows at last!

6. 挖掘;使一跃成名
    If someone unknown is given an important job or role and quickly becomes famous because of it, you can say that they have been plucked from obscurity or plucked from an unimportant position.

    e.g. She was plucked from the corps de ballet to take on Juliet...
    e.g. The agency plucked Naomi from obscurity and turned her into one of the world''s top models.

7. 把…(从险境中)救起
    If someone is rescued from a dangerous situation, you can say that they are plucked from it or are plucked to safety.

    e.g. A workman was plucked from the roof of a burning power station by a police helicopter...
    e.g. Ten fishermen were plucked to safety from life-rafts.

8. 勇气;胆量;决心
    If you say that someone has pluck, you mean that they show courage and determination when they are in a difficult or frightening situation.


    e.g. Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession.

9. 鼓起勇气
    If you pluck up the courage to do something that you feel nervous about, you make an effort to be brave enough to do it.

    e.g. It took me about two hours to pluck up courage to call.

10. 脱口而出;随意说出
    If you say that someone plucks a figure, name, or date out of the air, you mean that they say it without thinking much about it before they speak.

    e.g. Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air?

相关词组:pluck at

pluck 英英释义


1. the act of pulling and releasing a taut cord

2. the trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury

    Synonym: gutsinesspluckiness


1. look for and gather

    e.g. pick mushrooms
           pick flowers

    Synonym: pickcull

2. strip of feathers

    e.g. pull a chicken
           pluck the capon

    Synonym: pullteardeplumedeplumatedisplume

3. pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion

    e.g. he plucked the strings of his mandolin

    Synonym: plunkpick

4. pull or pull out sharply

    e.g. pluck the flowers off the bush

    Synonym: tweakpull offpick off

5. rip off
    ask an unreasonable price

    Synonym: overchargesoaksurchargegazumpfleeceplumerobhook

6. sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity

    Synonym: hustleroll

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