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pull up是什么意思 pull up在线翻译 pull up什么意思 pull up的意思 pull up的翻译 pull up的解释 pull up的发音 pull up的同义词 pull up的反义词

pull up [pul ʌp]  [pʊl ʌp] 

pull up 基本解释

(使)停下(住); 责备; (使)名次提前; 从土里拔出来

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pull up 相关例句


1. The driver pulled up at the gate.

2. pull up

2. Don''t try to pull up the plant!

pull up 网络解释

1. 上拉:普通电阻一般作为上拉(pull up)或者下拉(pull down)电阻,一般在芯片的OC(OPEN DRAIN)输出处使用pull up电阻. 或者用于那些驱动能力不足的地方增加驱动电流. 钽电容最大的缺点就是其危险性. 其过载(Overload)时,会发生燃烧(法○功.

2. 拉升:在这种肖特基T2L电路中,加入驱动晶体管Q5以提高Q4的开关速度,因此也即加快了输出电压V0向电池势拉升(Pull up)的速度. 这个器件还引入了附加的二极管电压降,因此就不需要标准的T2L电路(图11.13(a))中的二极管D1.

3. pull up在线翻译

3. (使)停下:pull together齐心协力 | pull up (使)停下 | put across解释清楚,说明

pull up 词典解释

1. (车或驾车者)减速停下
    When a vehicle or driver pulls up, the vehicle slows down and stops.

    e.g. The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out.

2. 把(椅子)拉到近处坐下
    If you pull up a chair, you move it closer to something or someone and sit on it.

    e.g. He pulled up a chair behind her and put his chin on her shoulder.

3. (使)突然停下;(使)猛地停住
    If you pull up or if something pulls you up, you suddenly stop what you are doing.

    e.g. Suddenly, he pulled up sharply in his stride, and fell to the floor...
    e.g. She recognized at the same instant Rachel''s presence. It pulled her up short.

4. 提高;改进
    If someone pulls you up or if you pull yourself up, you improve your situation or your skill at something.

    e.g. We had a very good mathematics mistress who pulled me up...
    e.g. He was made redundant and now he''s trying to pull himself up again.

pull up 英英释义


1. remove, usually with some force or effort
    also used in an abstract sense

    e.g. pull weeds
           extract a bad tooth
           take out a splinter
           extract information from the telegram

    Synonym: extractpull outpulltake outdraw out

2. come to a halt after driving somewhere

    e.g. The Rolls pulled up on pour front lawn
           The chauffeur hauled up in front of us

    Synonym: draw uphaul up

3. cause (a vehicle) to stop

    e.g. He pulled up the car in front of the hotel

    Synonym: draw up

4. straighten oneself

    e.g. He drew himself up when he talked to his superior

    Synonym: draw upstraighten up

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