公共查询英语单词大全pull out是什么意思

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pull out [pul aut]  [pʊl aʊt] 

pull out 基本解释

拔出; 退出; (使)离开; (火车)驶出

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pull out 相关例句


1. 公共查询·英语单词

1. I had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday.

pull out 网络解释

1. 抽出:就算不讨论在灵魂如此高层次(或者如此低层次)的话题,这个世界本身,政治、经济、文化的运行本身就是令人震慑的Matrix系统,任何一个人被抽出(Pull Out)这个系统(社会)的时候,基本就是被冲进下水道自生自灭--99.9999%的可能性就是死亡.

2. 拉出:美國能源部的 Pacific Northwest 國家實驗室(PNNL)已開發出一種可重複使用的有機液體,可從發電廠的工業排放中拉出(pull out)二氧化碳或二氧化硫這樣的有害氣體.

3. 拉拔:由于螺纹钻尾及功牙区皆为经过特殊硬化处理之金属,当功入铁材后,不锈钢部分引入螺纹内,完全排除以往不锈钢功牙螺丝,常因螺纹磨损变形而死锁之现象,达到完全缔结,并保有最高系数之拉拔(PULL OUT)强度.

pull out 词典解释

1. (车或驾车者)驶离路边,开向路中间
    When a vehicle or driver pulls out, the vehicle moves out into the road or nearer the centre of the road.

    e.g. She pulled out into the street...
    e.g. He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him.

2. 退出,撤出(协议、比赛或组织)
    If you pull out of an agreement, a contest, or an organization, you withdraw from it.

    e.g. The World Bank should pull out of the project...
    e.g. France was going to pull out of NATO...

3. (使)撤退;(使)退出
    If troops pull out of a place or if their leader pulls them out, they leave it.

    e.g. The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut...
    e.g. Economic sanctions will be lifted once two-thirds of their forces have pulled out...

4. (使)摆脱(经济衰退);(使)恢复
    If a country pulls out of recession or if someone pulls it out, it begins to recover from it.

pull out的解释

    e.g. Sterling has been hit by the economy''s failure to pull out of recession...
    e.g. What we want to see today are policies to pull us out of this recession.

5. see also: pull-out

pull out 英英释义


1. remove, usually with some force or effort
    also used in an abstract sense

    e.g. pull weeds
           extract a bad tooth
           take out a splinter
           extract information from the telegram

    Synonym: extractpullpull uptake outdraw out

2. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover

    e.g. draw a weapon
           pull out a gun
           The mugger pulled a knife on his victim

    Synonym: drawpullget outtake out

3. move out or away

    e.g. The troops pulled out after the cease-fire

    Synonym: get out

4. remove oneself from an obligation

    e.g. He bowed out when he heard how much work was involved

    Synonym: chicken outback offback downbow out

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