
wrench [rentʃ]  [rɛntʃ] 


wrench 基本解释

名词扳手; 扭伤; 突然的悲痛

及物动词扭伤; 扭转; 歪曲


wrench 相关例句


1. wrench

1. Her spirit was wrenched with grief at the loss.

2. Harry wrenched his ankle when he jumped down from the fence.


1. Of a sudden her heart wrenched.


1. The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt.

2. wrench是什么意思

2. Parting with her mother was a great wrench.

wrench 网络解释

1. 扳手:于是今天又跑了趟沃尔玛,买了各种工具若干,包括一个千斤顶(jack)和支撑台(jack stand),扳手(wrench)和各种型号的套筒(socket),改锥和老虎钳什么的,还买了个万用表和一个专业的工具箱.

2. 扭伤:法国人(French)把他扔进了壕沟 / 战壕(trench)里,我把他扭伤(wrench)一个有文化的人(literate),爱上了重复说话(iterate),长大以后学会了掺假(adulterate),生病以后变成了文盲(illiterate),之前无文字记录(preliterate),

3. 板手:帮维修中心的Valerie找一把板手(wrench)和钳子(piler) [exp +250]*维修中心(maintenance center)的老板Valerie竟然是队员Vic的女儿!如果你带

4. wrench的解释

4. 扳手[钳]:进入左边的Comfort Room,使用物品栏内的扳手钳(WRENCH)到中间镜子下面的管子上,得到剪刀. 回到大厅,进入Left Hallway,使用物品栏的酸(Acid)到门,出现对话框,如下:

wrench 词典解释

1. 猛拉;猛拧;猛拽
    If you wrench something that is fixed in a particular position, you pull or twist it violently, in order to move or remove it.

    e.g. He felt two men wrench the suitcase from his hand...
    e.g. He wrenched off his sneakers...

2. 挣脱;挣开
    If you wrench yourself free from someone who is holding you, you get away from them by suddenly twisting the part of your body that is being held.


    e.g. She wrenched herself from his grasp...
    e.g. He wrenched his arm free...

3. 扭伤(关节)
    If you wrench one of your joints, you twist it and injure it.

    e.g. He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall.

4. (离别时的)痛苦,愁楚
    If you say that leaving someone or something is a wrench, you feel very sad about it.

    e.g. I always knew it would be a wrench to leave Essex after all these years...
    e.g. Many of the things are of great sentimental value and it is going to be a wrench parting with them...

5. 扳钳;活动扳手
    A wrench or a monkey wrench is an adjustable metal tool used for tightening or loosening metal nuts of different sizes.

6. 作梗;阻挠
    If someone throws a wrench or throws a monkey wrench into a process, they prevent something happening smoothly by deliberately causing a problem.

    e.g. Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 throw a spanner in the works

wrench 英英释义


1. a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt

    Synonym: spanner

2. a jerky pulling movement

    Synonym: twist

3. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments

    e.g. the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell
           he was sidelined with a hamstring pull

    Synonym: twistpull


1. twist suddenly so as to sprain

    e.g. wrench one''s ankle
           The wrestler twisted his shoulder
           the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell
           I turned my ankle and couldn''t walk for several days

    Synonym: twistsprainturnwrickrick

2. twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish

    e.g. Wring one''s hand

    Synonym: wring

3. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates

    e.g. wrench a window off its hinges
           wrench oneself free from somebody''s grip
           a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest

    Synonym: twist

4. make a sudden twisting motion

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