
loosen [ˈlu:sn]  [ˈlusən] 


loosen 基本解释

及物动词解开或使松; 放宽,放松; 使(肠)通畅



loosen 同义词

loosen 反义词



loosen 相关词组

1. loosen up : 信口开河, 慷慨解囊, 松弛下来, 活动肌肉, 做准备动作;

loosen 相关例句



1. My belt is too tight; I must loosen it.

2. Loosen the screw.

3. By degrees her tongue was loosened.

1. loosen的翻译

1. The runners are loosening up before the race.


1. The government''s control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years.

loosen 网络解释

1. 松开:loopback 回路 | loosen 松开 | loseless compression 无损耗压缩法


2. 放松:loosen a screw 把螺钉放松 | loosen 放松 | looseness 松动

3. 解开:loosely 宽松地 | loosen 解开 | looseness 松

4. 松开、松动:loose 松的、不牢固的 | loosen 松开、松动 | loss 损失、减少

loosen 词典解释

1. 放宽,放松(限制、法律等)
    If someone loosens restrictions or laws, for example, they make them less strict or severe.

    e.g. Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates...
    e.g. Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields.

Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.

2. (使)(关系)弱化(或疏远)
    If someone or something loosens the ties between people or groups of people, or if the ties loosen, they become weaker.

    e.g. The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States...
    e.g. The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions...

3. 解开;松开;变松
    If you loosen your clothing or something that is tied or fastened or if it loosens, you undo it slightly so that it is less tight or less firmly held in place.

    e.g. He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck...
    e.g. Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned...

4. 使松弛
    If you loosen something that is stretched across something else, you make it less stretched or tight.


    e.g. Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin.

5. 松(手)
    If you loosen your grip on something, or if your grip loosens, you hold it less tightly.

    e.g. Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free...
    e.g. When his grip loosened she eased herself away.

6. 放宽,放松(控制)
    If a government or organization loosens its grip on a group of people or an activity, or if its grip loosens, it begins to have less control over it.

    e.g. There is no sign that the Party will loosen its tight grip on the country...
    e.g. The Soviet Union''s grip on Eastern Europe loosened.

7. 使打开话匣;使嘴不严
    If you say that something has loosened someone''s tongue, you mean that it has made them talk about something, often when they should have remained silent.

    e.g. The wine had loosened his tongue.

相关词组:loosen up

loosen 英英释义


1. become loose or looser or less tight

    e.g. The noose loosened
           the rope relaxed

    Synonym: relaxloose

2. make loose or looser

    e.g. loosen the tension on a rope

    Synonym: loose

3. make less dense

    e.g. loosen the soil

4. cause to become loose

    e.g. undo the shoelace
           untie the knot
           loosen the necktie

    Synonym: untieundo

5. disentangle and raise the fibers of

    e.g. tease wool

    Synonym: teasetease apart

6. become less severe or strict

    e.g. The rules relaxed after the new director arrived

    Synonym: relax

7. make less severe or strict

    e.g. The government relaxed the curfew after most of the rebels were caught

    Synonym: relax

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