
tease [ti:z]  [tiz] 


tease 基本解释

及物动词挑逗; 取笑,戏弄; 强要

不及物动词梳理(羊毛等); 起绒

名词爱嘲弄他人的人; 取笑卖弄风骚的人


tease 相关例句


1. He suspected that Laura was teasing him.

2. If you always tease others like that, you''ll forfeit the good opinion of your friends.

3. tease的反义词

3. He hates to be teased about his balding head.

4. She has been teasing her mother all morning for a new dress.


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. She is a big tease, but she doesn''t mean anything by it.

tease 网络解释

1. tease的意思

1. 取笑:911事件的第二天,我乘红线地铁回家. 有一个非洲裔美国少年借911事件取笑(tease)乘客. 他将一本书卷成话筒状,假装采访,问对911事件的看法.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. 戏弄:因为人们向来不会珍惜垂手可得的东西,反而会被要不到手的东西所吸引. 他的市场戏法概念为戏弄(TEASE),包括T-诡计(Trickery),E-独占(Exclusivity)、A-扩大(Amplification)、S-秘密(Secrecy)、E-娱乐(Entertainment).

3. 嘲笑:swear 发誓 | tease 嘲笑 | whimper 呜咽的说

4. (挑逗):/Tap (轻拍) | /Tease (挑逗) | /Thank (感谢)

tease 词典解释

1. 嘲笑;取笑;嘲弄
    To tease someone means to laugh at them or make jokes about them in order to embarrass, annoy, or upset them.


    e.g. He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him, teasing him...
    e.g. He teased me mercilessly about going Hollywood...

She tolerated the teasing, until the fourth grade.

2. 爱开玩笑的人;爱戏弄别人的人
    If you refer to someone as a tease, you mean that they like laughing at people or making jokes about them.


    e.g. My brother''s such a tease...
    e.g. The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.

3. (尤指性方面)逗弄,戏弄,挑逗
    If you say that someone is teasing, you mean that they are pretending to offer you something that you want, especially sex, but then not giving it to you.

    e.g. I thought she was teasing, playing the innocent, but looking back, I''m not so sure...
    e.g. When did you last flirt with him or tease him?

4. (尤指性方面)戏弄别人的人,挑逗别人的人,卖弄风情的人
    If you refer to someone as a tease, you mean that they pretend to offer someone what they want, especially sex, but then do not give it to them.

    e.g. Later she heard he had told one of her friends she was a tease.

5. see also: teasing;striptease

相关词组:tease out

tease 英英释义


1. the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule)
    provoking someone with persistent annoyances

    e.g. he ignored their teases
           his ribbing was gentle but persistent

    Synonym: teasingribbingtantalization

2. a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men

    Synonym: coquetteflirtvampvamperminxprickteaser

3. someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)

    Synonym: teaserannoyervexer


1. ruffle (one''s hair) by combing the ends towards the scalp, for a full effect

    Synonym: fluff

2. harass with persistent criticism or carping

    e.g. The children teased the new teacher
           Don''t ride me so hard over my failure
           His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

    Synonym: razzragcodtantalizetantalisebaittaunttwitrallyride

3. mock or make fun of playfully

    e.g. the flirting man teased the young woman

4. separate the fibers of

    e.g. tease wool

    Synonym: card

5. disentangle and raise the fibers of

    e.g. tease wool

    Synonym: tease apartloosen

6. raise the nap of (fabrics)

7. tear into pieces

    e.g. tease tissue for microscopic examinations

8. annoy persistently

    e.g. The children teased the boy because of his stammer

    Synonym: badgerpesterbugbeleaguer

9. to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them

    e.g. The advertisement is intended to tease the customers
           She has a way of teasing men with her flirtatious behavior

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