
foul [faʊl]  [faʊl] 


foul 基本解释

形容词[体]违反规则的,犯规的; 邪恶的; 难闻的,有恶臭的; 下流的

及物/不及物动词纠缠,纠结; [体]违反规则的

及物动词弄脏,使污秽; 使纠缠; 使阻塞

不及物动词腐烂; 缠结

名词犯规; 缠结; 碰撞

副词不正当地,犯规地; 碰撞地; 争执不和地

foul 同义词

foul 反义词


foul 相关词组


1. foul out : 因犯规被罚出场;

2. foul up : 弄脏, 污染;

foul 相关例句


1. The foul weather spoiled our vacation.

2. Murder is a foul deed.


1. foul的解释

1. Smith ran into Jones and fouled him.

2. This motorboat fouled a wooden boat.

foul 网络解释

1. 犯规:22.犯规(FOUL)比赛中的一种违犯规则的行为. 23. 犯规击球(FOUL STROKE)在击球时,发生违反规则行为. 24.盘(FRAME) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,称为一盘. 25.自由球(FREE BALL)在斯诺克台球比赛中,

2. 规:22.犯规(FOUL) 比赛中的一种违犯规则的行为. 23. 犯规击球(FOUL STROKE) 在击球时,发生违反规则行为. 24.盘(FRAME) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,称为一盘. 25.自由球(FREE BALL) 在斯诺克台球比赛中,

foul 词典解释

1. 难吃的;肮脏的;恶臭的
    If you describe something as foul, you mean it is dirty and smells or tastes unpleasant.

    e.g. ...foul polluted water...
    e.g. The smell was quite foul.

2. (言语)粗俗的,冒犯的
    Foul language is offensive and contains swear words or rude words.

    e.g. He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday...
    e.g. He had a foul mouth.

3. 易怒的;暴躁的
    If someone has a foul temper or is in a foul mood, they become angry or violent very suddenly and easily.


    e.g. Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.

4. (天气)恶劣的,多风的,有暴风雨的
    Foul weather is unpleasant, windy, and stormy.

5. 弄脏;弄污;污染
    If a place is fouled by someone or something, they make it dirty.

    e.g. A village''s entire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale...
    e.g. Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there.

6. (动物拉屎)弄脏
    If an animal fouls a place, it drops faeces onto the ground.

    e.g. It is an offence to let your dog foul a footpath.

7. (使)绞住;(使)缠住
    If a machine or vehicle fouls part of its mechanism or if something such as a rope fouls the mechanism, the mechanism can no longer work properly because something has become twisted or knotted around it.


    e.g. The freighter fouled its propeller in fishing nets.

8. 对…犯规
    In a game or sport, if a player fouls another player, they touch them or block them in a way which is not allowed according to the rules.

    e.g. Middlesbrough''s Jimmy Phillips was sent off for fouling Steve Tilson.

9. 犯规
    A foul is an act in a game or sport that is not allowed according to the rules.

    e.g. He picked up his first booking for a 45th-minute foul on Bull.
           他因为在比赛进行到第 45 分钟时对公牛队犯规而被第一次记名警告。

10. 声明对手犯规;声称对手违法
    If you cry foul, you claim that someone, especially an opponent or rival, has acted illegally or unfairly.

    e.g. Deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.

11. 不择手段地;采取一切手段地
      If someone tries to achieve something by fair means or foul, they use every means possible in order to achieve it, and they do not care if their behaviour is dishonest or unfair.

      e.g. They will only be satisfied if they regain control —by fair means or foul.

12. 惹恼;触怒
      If you fall foul of someone or run foul of them, you do something which gets you into trouble with them.

      e.g. He had fallen foul of the FBI.
      e.g. ...teenagers who run foul of the law.

13. 搞砸;弄糟
      If you foul up something such as a plan, you spoil it by doing something wrong or stupid.

      e.g. There are serious risks that laboratories may foul up these tests.

相关词组:foul up

foul 英英释义


1. an act that violates the rules of a sport


1. become soiled and dirty

2. make unclean

    e.g. foul the water

3. spot, stain, or pollute

    e.g. The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it

    Synonym: befouldefilemaculate

4. make impure

    e.g. The industrial wastes polluted the lake

    Synonym: pollutecontaminate

5. commit a foul
    break the rules

6. hit a foul ball

7. become or cause to become obstructed

    e.g. The leaves clog our drains in the Fall
           The water pipe is backed up

    Synonym: clogchoke offclog upback upcongestchoke


1. especially of a ship''s lines etc

    e.g. with its sails afoul
           a foul anchor

    Synonym: afoul(ip)fouled

2. disgustingly dirty
    filled or smeared with offensive matter

    e.g. as filthy as a pigsty
           a foul pond
           a nasty pigsty of a room

    Synonym: filthynasty

3. characterized by obscenity

    e.g. had a filthy mouth
           foul language
           smutty jokes

    Synonym: cruddyfilthynastysmutty

4. (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines

5. violating accepted standards or rules

    e.g. a dirty fighter
           used foul means to gain power
           a nasty unsporting serve
           fined for unsportsmanlike behavior

    Synonym: cheating(a)dirtyunsportingunsportsmanlike

6. offensively malodorous

    e.g. a foul odor
           the kitchen smelled really funky

    Synonym: fetidfoetidfoul-smellingfunkynoisomesmellystinkingill-scented

7. (of a manuscript) defaced with changes

    e.g. foul (or dirty) copy

    Synonym: dirtymarked-up

8. highly offensive
    arousing aversion or disgust

    e.g. a disgusting smell
           distasteful language
           a loathsome disease
           the idea of eating meat is repellent to me
           revolting food
           a wicked stench

    Synonym: disgustingdisgustfuldistastefulloathlyloathsomerepellentrepellantrepellingrevoltingskankywickedyucky

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