

foul-smelling 双语例句

1. Americans don''t know what to think about diesel, and when they do, they usually think it''s a clattery, foul-smelling solution best left to freight-movers and trains.
    美国人不知道怎么想的柴油,而当他们这样做了,他们通常认为这是一个clattery ,臭烘烘的解决办法最好留给货运推动者和火车。

2. Hisun`s plant is nearby, across a foul-smelling canal that provides shipping passage to the sea.

3. He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelling stools.

4. foul-smelling

4. Most of the time, they are forced to stand in mountains of foul-smelling feces and urine that fill up to two Dumpsters.

5. foul-smelling的解释

5. Their bowels had begun to drain out a mixture of clotted blood and thick, grayish-yellow, horribly foul-smelling mucus

6. Only when the man went to take his foul-smelling trousers to cleaners did he notice that 7, 500 euros had been taken from his back pocket.

7. Genital itching, vaginal discharge with foul-smelling liquid, _39 _39 Health Network Health Questions

8. Anacondas have spurs on either side of the cloaca. The cloaca of the Anaconda has a gland which emits a foul-smelling musk. This brownish musk is quite poisonous to small organisms. This may prevent ticks and leeches from attaching themselves here.

9. Scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms.

10. The small, foul-smelling, pinkish flowers are borne directly on the branches and trunk;

11. As a result you sweat more, digest at a much slower rate, and emit foul-smelling gases via flatulence and sweat.

12. foul-smelling

12. This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction.

13. An foul-smelling outflow or vapor (especially a gaseous waste).

14. Researchers at Columbia University''s Health Services point to excess caffeine and alcohol consumption as the reason for foul-smelling body odor (not to mention bad breath).

15. ''Even though it has been argued that bad scents invoke negative judgments, we argued and demonstrated that a bad body odour elicits feelings of pity in others.''This can include underarm sweat, smelly feet, bad breath or other foul-smelling odours.

16. The skunk is noted for the foul-smelling liquid produced by scent glands under its tail.

17. One evening, as usual, the lad turned off the lamps in the ladies''room and men''s room. The only lavatories are foul-smelling public ones.


18. The city is covered by a foul-smelling cloud of smoke.

19. danci.edu.pub

19. He bares his teeth at me, his lips curling upwards at the ends, and makes a loud, repetitious noise that hurts my ears, then he spits on my mate some foul-smelling liquid like saliva mixed with some small, dark, strange smelling sour leaves.

20. foul-smelling的近义词

20. Any foul-smelling pustules on your shins?

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