
evil [ˈi:vl]  [ˈivəl] 

比较级:eviler; eviller最高级:evilest; evillest第三人称复数:evils

evil 基本解释

形容词邪恶的,罪恶的; 有害的; 不幸的,不吉的; 品行坏的

名词灾祸; 邪恶,罪恶; 坏事,恶行; 邪恶的力量、势力或化身

evil 同义词


evil 反义词


evil 相关例句


1. The man was punished for his evil acts.


1. evil

1. It went evil with him.


1. Some people return good for evil.

2. Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Of two evils choose the less.

evil 网络解释

1. evil

1. evil:extensible video interactive language; 可延伸的视频交互语言

evil 词典解释

1. 恶;罪恶;邪恶
    Evil is a powerful force that some people believe to exist, and which causes wicked and bad things to happen.

    e.g. We are still being attacked by the forces of evil...
    e.g. There''s always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.

2. 坏事;恶行
    Evil is used to refer to all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world.

    e.g. He could not, after all, stop all the evil in the world.
    e.g. ...those who see television as the root of all evil.

3. 祸害;灾难;弊病;不幸
    If you refer to an evil, you mean a very unpleasant or harmful situation or activity.

    e.g. Apartheid is even a greater evil...
    e.g. Higher taxes may be a necessary evil.

4. (人)凶恶的,邪恶的
    If you describe someone as evil, you mean that they are very wicked by nature and take pleasure in doing things that harm other people.


    e.g. ...the country''s most evil terrorists...
    e.g. She''s an evil woman.

5. 危害社会的;道德败坏的
    If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it causes a great deal of harm to people and is morally bad.

    e.g. After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil...
    e.g. They are setting an evil example for their children.

6. 受魔鬼影响的;恶魔的;不祥的
    If you describe something as evil, you mean that you think it is influenced by the devil.


    e.g. I think this is an evil spirit at work...
    e.g. According to local folklore it is an evil place.

7. (气味)难闻的,令人不舒服的
    You can describe a very unpleasant smell as evil.


    e.g. Both men were smoking evil-smelling pipes.

8. 倒霉的日子/时刻
    If someone is putting off the evil day or the evil hour, they have to do something unpleasant and are trying to avoid doing it for as long as possible.

    e.g. You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.

9. 两害中的较轻者
    If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the one which is less bad as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil .

    e.g. People voted for him as the lesser of two evils...
    e.g. One suspects that hydro power is still the lesser evil.

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