
steady [ˈstedi]  [ˈstɛdi] 


steady 基本解释

形容词稳定的,不变的; 镇定的,沉着的; 坚定的



steady 同义词


steady 反义词

steady 相关词组


1. go steady : 成为关系相当确定的情侣;


steady 相关例句


1. steady的解释

1. We appreciate steady workers.

2. Is the table steady?



1. Steady the ladder for me.

steady 网络解释

1. 踏实的:获得同事,上司及客户的信任.企业需要员工有工作目标(Job objective)和责任心(Responsible),精力充沛的(Energetic)带着激情去工作,踏实的(Steady),尽职的(Dutiful),

2. 稳定的:赛后,<天空体育>>的点评中,仅仅用了一个单词--稳定的(Steady). 这样的评价,虽然不能与邓恩的光芒四射(Superb)相比,可比起克罗地亚人科尔卢卡的不太稳定,要强的多. 前英格兰国脚得到的评价是防守良好.

3. 稳态:本文之数值结果包括工辊在稳态下的温度分布与工辊受周期性轧延后的暂态温度变化,结果显示在连续轧延下经过足够长时间辊体温度将会达到稳态(Steady)其大小随Bi增大而减小;在周期性轧延下,经过足够长时间辊体将会达到周期性稳态(Periodic Steady),

steady 词典解释

1. 稳步的;持续不断的
    A steady situation continues or develops gradually without any interruptions and is not likely to change quickly.

    e.g. Despite the steady progress of building work, the campaign against it is still going strong...
    e.g. The improvement in standards has been steady and persistent, but has attracted little comment from educationalists...

Relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily...
The company has steadily been losing market share to Boeing and Airbus.

2. 稳定的;牢固的;不摇晃的
    If an object is steady, it is firm and does not shake or move about.

    e.g. Get as close to the subject as you can and hold the camera steady...
    e.g. It takes a very steady hand and plenty of practice to paint a perfect line.

3. 沉着的;镇定的;冷静的
    If you look at someone or speak to them in a steady way, you look or speak in a calm, controlled way.


    e.g. ''Well, go on,'' said Camilla, her voice fairly steady...
    e.g. Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.

He moved back a little and stared steadily at Elaine.

4. (人)稳重的,理智的,可靠的
    If you describe a person as steady, you mean that they are sensible and reliable.

    e.g. He was firm and steady unlike other men she knew.
    e.g. ...a politician who''s steady almost to the point of being boring.

5. (使)稳定;(使)不摇晃
    If you steady something or if it steadies, it stops shaking or moving about.

    e.g. Two men were on the bridge-deck, steadying a ladder...
    e.g. Lovelock eased back the throttles and the ship steadied.

6. 使镇定;使冷静;使平静
    If you steady yourself, you control your voice or expression, so that people will think that you are calm and not nervous.


    e.g. Somehow she steadied herself and murmured, ''Have you got a cigarette?''...
    e.g. She breathed in to steady her voice.

7. 冷静点;说话当心点
    You say ''steady on'' to someone to tell them to calm down or to be careful about what they are saying.

    e.g. ''What if there''s another murder?'' — ''Steady on!''...
    e.g. ''One can''t live with a man like that!'' — ''Steady on,'' said Chris.

8. 有确定的情侣关系;恋爱关系稳定
    If two people are going steady, they are having a long, fairly serious romantic relationship.

    e.g. She''s been going steady with Randolph for almost a year now.

steady 英英释义


1. a person loved by another person

    Synonym: sweetheartsweetietruelove



1. make steady

    e.g. steady yourself

    Synonym: calmbecalm

2. support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace

    e.g. brace your elbows while working on the potter''s wheel

    Synonym: bracestabilizestabilise


1. not easily excited or upset

    e.g. steady nerves

2. relating to a person who does something regularly

    e.g. a regular customer
           a steady drinker

    Synonym: regular

3. marked by firm determination or resolution
    not shakable

    e.g. firm convictions
           a firm mouth
           steadfast resolve
           a man of unbendable perseverence
           unwavering loyalty

    Synonym: firmsteadfaststiffunbendableunfalteringunshakableunwavering

4. securely in position
    not shaky

    e.g. held the ladder steady

5. not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall

    e.g. stocks are still firm

    Synonym: firmunfluctuating

6. not subject to change or variation especially in behavior

    e.g. a steady beat
           a steady job
           a steady breeze
           a steady increase
           a good steady ballplayer


1. in a steady manner

    e.g. he could still walk steadily

    Synonym: steadily

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