
brace [breɪs]  [bres] 


brace 基本解释

及物动词支撑; 系紧; 准备,预备; 振作起来

不及物动词准备好; 支持; 打起精神

名词支持物; 铁钳,夹子; [语]大括号; 绷紧(身体部位的)肌肉


brace 相关词组

1. in a brace of shakes : 立刻;

2. brace up : 打起精神, 下定决心;

brace 相关例句


1. The police braced him on the charge.

2. He braced his foot against the wall.

3. brace的近义词

3. When braced, Jack naturally denied his identity.


1. It is urgent that we brace against typhoons.


1. brace的意思

1. He came home with two brace of rabbits in the bag.

brace 网络解释

1. 支架:在过去,有关矫形器术语的应用一直比较混乱,如有时称为支架(brace)、夹板(spint)器具(appiance)、辅助器(aid)等. 在具体品种方面亦有多种称法,如大腿支架、长腿支架、膝上支架都是指的同一个品种. 目前,在国外,

2. 响条:古典吉他除了使用的弦(早期使用羊肠弦,今日则使用尼龙弦)与民谣吉他不同外, 在琴身大小(较绝大部份的民谣吉他小)、指板宽度(较宽)、音箱内响条(Brace)的扇形配置、琴头设计等,都与民谣吉他有著显著的分别.

3. brace

3. 支撑:–下船体(Pontoon)主要尺寸的正方度公差为±25mm;–立柱(Column)中心距尺寸公差为±25mm;不圆度公差为±13mm;–支撑(Brace)的尺寸变形不允许超过±13mm,邻近的对接管段连接处外形尺寸变形不能超过±13mm.

brace 词典解释

The plural form for meaning 5 is brace. 义项5的复数形式为brace。

1. 使做好准备(面对不快的事或困难)
    If you brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare yourself for it.

    e.g. He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water...
    e.g. She braced herself, as if to meet a blow.

2. (为保持平衡或避免摔倒)使紧靠
    If you brace yourself against something or brace part of your body against it, you press against something in order to steady your body or to avoid falling.

    e.g. Elaine braced herself against the dresser and looked in the mirror...
    e.g. He braced his back against the wall.

3. 绷紧(肩或膝)
    If you brace your shoulders or knees, you keep them stiffly in a particular position.

    e.g. He braced his shoulders as the snow slashed across his face.

4. 支撑;加固
    To brace something means to strengthen or support it with something else.


    e.g. Overhead, the lights showed the old timbers, used to brace the roof.

5. 一对;一双
    You can refer to two things of the same kind as a brace of that thing. The plural form is also brace .

    e.g. ...a brace of bottles of Mercier Rose champagne.
    e.g. ...a few brace of grouse.

6. (用以加固或支撑身体某部位的)支架,托架
    A brace is a device attached to a part of a person''s body, for example to a weak leg, in order to strengthen or support it.

    e.g. He wore leg braces after polio in childhood...
    e.g. She wears a neck brace.

7. 牙齿矫正器;牙箍
    A brace is a metal device that can be fastened to a child''s teeth in order to help them grow straight.

8. (裤子的)背带,吊带
    Braces are a pair of straps that pass over your shoulders and fasten to your trousers at the front and back in order to stop them from falling down.

in AM, use 美国英语用 suspenders

9. 大括号
      Braces or curly braces are a pair of written marks that you place around words, numbers, or parts of a computer code, for example to indicate that they are connected in some way or are separate from other parts of the writing or code.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 curly brackets

brace 英英释义


1. a structural member used to stiffen a framework

    Synonym: bracing

2. a carpenter''s tool having a crank handle for turning and a socket to hold a bit for boring

    Synonym: bitstock

3. an appliance that corrects dental irregularities

    Synonym: bracesorthodontic braces

4. a support that steadies or strengthens something else

    e.g. he wore a brace on his knee

5. elastic straps that hold trousers up (usually used in the plural)

    Synonym: suspendergallus

6. a rope on a square-rigged ship that is used to swing a yard about and secure it

7. either of two punctuation marks ({ or }) used to enclose textual material

8. a set of two similar things considered as a unit

    Synonym: pair

9. two items of the same kind

    Synonym: couplepairtwosometwainspanyokecoupletdistichduoduetdyadduad


1. cause to be alert and energetic

    e.g. Coffee and tea stimulate me
           This herbal infusion doesn''t stimulate

    Synonym: stimulatearouseenergizeenergiseperk up

2. support by bracing

3. support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace

    e.g. brace your elbows while working on the potter''s wheel

    Synonym: steadystabilizestabilise

4. prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult

    Synonym: poise

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