
fixed [fɪkst]  [fɪkst] 


fixed 基本解释

形容词固定的,不变的; 不易挥发的; 处境…的,常作复合词; (比赛等)通过作弊预先安排好结果的

动词固定( fix的过去式和过去分词)

fixed 同义词


fixed 反义词

fixed 相关例句


1. The date''s not fixed yet.


2. The tables are firmly fixed to the floor.

3. He has a fixed pattern of behavior.


4. The date is fixed now.

fixed 网络解释

1. 定光:灯质的种类很多,最基本的有定光(fixed)、闪光(flashing)、明暗光(occulting)和互光(alternating)四种,这四种灯质又可联合或组合成不同类型的灯质. % m8 v9 ...

2. 固定利率:浮动利率(Variable)和固定利率(Fixed):浮动利率是随著市场公告利率变化而变化的,浮动利率每月当时公告转牌价作一次调整. 但为简便程式,银行通常规定的供款额是保持不变的,如果现期利率比你申请贷款时为低(但每月还款额是根据贷款时利率计算的),

fixed 词典解释

1. 固定的;不变的
    You use fixed to describe something which stays the same and does not or cannot vary.

    e.g. They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly...
    e.g. ...a world without fixed laws...

2. (观念或看法)顽固的,固执的,一成不变的
    If you say that someone has fixed ideas or opinions, you mean that they do not often change their ideas and opinions, although perhaps they should.

    e.g. ...people who have fixed ideas about things.

3. (笑容)僵硬的,呆板的,皮笑肉不笑的
    If someone has a fixed smile on their face, they are smiling even though they do not feel happy or pleased.

    e.g. I had to go through the rest of the evening with a fixed smile on my face.

4. 无固定住所的;居无定所的
    Someone who is of no fixed address, or in British English no fixed abode, does not have a permanent place to live.

    e.g. They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address...
    e.g. He''s of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets.

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