
shock [ʃɒk]  [ʃɑ:k] 


shock 基本解释

名词休克; 震惊; 震动; 打击

及物动词使休克; 使震惊; 使震动; 使受电击

不及物动词感到震惊; 受到震动; 堆成禾束堆

形容词浓密的; 蓬乱的

shock 相关例句


1. She got shocked when she touched the live wire.

2. I was shocked when I heard about your accident.


1. Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan.

2. shock什么意思

2. The news of his death was a shock to us.

3. The traffic accident sent him into a state of shock.

shock 网络解释

1. shock的翻译

1. shock:shocking; 东京帝国剧场

shock 词典解释

1. 震惊;惊愕;令人震惊的事
    If you have a shock, something suddenly happens which is unpleasant, upsetting, or very surprising.

    e.g. The extent of the violence came as a shock...
    e.g. He has never recovered from the shock of your brother''s death...

2. (身心受到的)打击,震惊
    Shock is a person''s emotional and physical condition when something very frightening or upsetting has happened to them.

    e.g. The little boy was speechless with shock...
    e.g. She''s still in a state of shock.

3. 休克
    If someone is in shock, they are suffering from a serious physical condition in which their blood is not flowing round their body properly, for example because they have had a bad injury.

    e.g. He was found beaten and in shock...
    e.g. They escaped the blaze but were rushed to hospital suffering from shock.

4. 使震惊;使惊愕;打击
    If something shocks you, it makes you feel very upset, because it involves death or suffering and because you had not expected it.

    e.g. After forty years in the police force nothing much shocks me...
           在警队呆了 40 年后,我对什么都见怪不怪了。
    e.g. Relief workers were shocked by what they saw.

This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked.

5. (因行为粗鲁或不道德而)使不快,使气愤,使厌恶,使反感
    If someone or something shocks you, it upsets or offends you because you think it is rude or morally wrong.

    e.g. You can''t shock me...
    e.g. They were easily shocked in those days...

Don''t look so shocked.

6. (通告、事件等)令人惊愕的,令人震惊的
    A shock announcement or event is one which shocks people because it is unexpected.

    e.g. ...the shock announcement that she is to resign.
    e.g. ...a shock defeat.

7. (对经济、传统、生活方式的)冲击,撞击
    A shock is something sudden and unexpected that threatens the economy, traditions, or way of life of a group of people.

    e.g. This is the latest in a series of shocks to the Scandinavian banking system.
    e.g. ...the economic pain of two oil shocks.

8. 冲击力
    A shock is the force of something suddenly hitting or pulling something else.

    e.g. Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock.

9. 触电;电击
      A shock is the same as an electric shock .


10. 减震器
      A shock is a shock absorber .

      e.g. Do you think I need new shocks?

11. 浓密的一堆(头发)
      A shock of hair is a very thick mass of hair on a person''s head.

      e.g. ...a very old priest with a shock of white hair.

12. see also: shocking;culture shock;electric shock;shell shock

13. 从速严惩
      A short, sharp shock is a punishment that is fairly harsh and severe but only lasts for a short time.

shock 英英释义



1. a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body

    e.g. subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response
           electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks

    Synonym: electric shockelectrical shock

2. the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat

    e.g. the armies met in the shock of battle

    Synonym: impact

3. a mechanical damper
    absorbs energy of sudden impulses

    e.g. the old car needed a new set of shocks

    Synonym: shock absorbercushion

4. an unpleasant or disappointing surprise

    e.g. it came as a shock to learn that he was injured

    Synonym: blow

5. a sudden jarring impact

    e.g. the door closed with a jolt
           all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers

    Synonym: joltjarjounce

6. an instance of agitation of the earth''s crust

    e.g. the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch

    Synonym: seismic disturbance

7. the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally

    e.g. his mother''s death left him in a daze
           he was numb with shock

    Synonym: dazestupor

8. a bushy thick mass (especially hair)

    e.g. he had an unruly shock of black hair

9. a pile of sheaves of grain set on end in a field to dry
    stalks of Indian corn set up in a field

    e.g. corn is bound in small sheaves and several sheaves are set up together in shocks
           whole fields of wheat in shock

10. (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells
    characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor

    e.g. loss of blood is an important cause of shock


1. inflict a trauma upon

    Synonym: traumatizetraumatise

2. subject to electrical shocks

3. collect or gather into shocks

    e.g. shock grain

4. collide violently

5. strike with horror or terror

    e.g. The news of the bombing shocked her

6. surprise greatly
    knock someone''s socks off

    e.g. I was floored when I heard that I was promoted

    Synonym: floorball overblow out of the watertake aback

7. strike with disgust or revulsion

    e.g. The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends

    Synonym: offendscandalizescandaliseappalappalloutrage

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