
outrage [ˈaʊtreɪdʒ]  [ˈaʊtˌredʒ] 


outrage 基本解释

名词愤慨; 暴行; 义愤; 骇人听闻的事件

及物动词引起…的义愤,激怒; 凌辱,强奸; 虐待,迫害; 违反

outrage 相关例句


1. Such conduct outrages our rules of morality.

2. The public were outraged by the decision.

3. He was outraged by their behavior.


1. Her brow wrinkled with outrage.

2. Such a lie is an outrage to anyone who loves the truth.

3. They committed outrages on innocent citizens.

outrage 网络解释

1. outrage的反义词

1. 怒:」最先号召国际社会提出谴责的英国同志人权团体忿怒(OutRage),要求布莱尔政府发布正式外交抗议函. 忿怒对13岁少年遭性侵一事抱持怀疑,强调伊朗媒体前此从未报导过此事,他们认为性侵案若非凭空捏造,也是在该名13岁少年自愿的情况下发生.

2. 使愤慨:output 出产 | outrage 使愤慨 | outrageous 愤怒的

outrage 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ˌaʊt''reɪdʒ/. The noun is pronounced /''aʊtreɪdʒ/. 动词读作 /ˌaʊt''reɪdʒ/,名词读作 /''aʊtreɪdʒ/。

1. 使震怒;激怒
    If you are outraged by something, it makes you extremely shocked and angry.

    e.g. Many people have been outraged by some of the things that have been said...
    e.g. Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia''s detention camps have outraged the world''s religious leaders.

He is truly outraged about what''s happened to him...
Some outraged readers said the story was extremely offensive and distressing.

2. 愤慨;义愤
    Outrage is an intense feeling of anger and shock.

    e.g. The decision provoked outrage from women and human rights groups...
    e.g. The Treaty has failed to arouse genuine public outrage.

3. 暴行;骇人听闻的事件
    You can refer to an act or event which you find very shocking as an outrage .

    e.g. The latest outrage was to have been a co-ordinated gun and bomb attack on the station...
    e.g. Tom, this is an outrage!

outrage 英英释义


1. a wantonly cruel act

2. the act of scandalizing

    Synonym: scandalizationscandalisation

3. a disgraceful event

    Synonym: scandal

4. a feeling of righteous anger

    Synonym: indignation



1. strike with disgust or revulsion

    e.g. The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends

    Synonym: shockoffendscandalizescandaliseappalappall

2. force (someone) to have sex against their will

    e.g. The woman was raped on her way home at night

    Synonym: raperavishviolateassaultdishonordishonour

3. violate the sacred character of a place or language

    e.g. desecrate a cemetery
           violate the sanctity of the church
           profane the name of God

    Synonym: desecrateprofaneviolate

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