1. 损伤:traumatism 创伤病 | traumatize 损伤 | travail 阵痛
2. 精神受创:76Tome Scour清理书本M10 | 77Traumatize精神受创M10 | 78Twincast双咒击M10
3. 使受精神上创伤:traumatize 使受精神上创伤 | traumatogenesis 致伤原理 | traumatology 外伤学
4. 使受伤害:panic 恐慌 | traumatize 使受伤害 | makeshift 暂时的
1. 使受精神创伤;使惊吓过度;使痛苦
If someone is traumatized by an event or situation, it shocks or upsets them very much, and may cause them psychological damage.
e.g. My wife was traumatized by the experience...
e.g. Did his parents traumatize him?...
1. inflict a trauma upon
Synonym: traumatiseshock