
open [ˈəʊpən]  [ˈoʊpən] 


open 基本解释

形容词敞开的,开着的; 公开的,公共的; 坦率的; 有议论余地的

及物/不及物动词(打)开; 开始; 睁开; 启动

名词公开; 户外,野外; 空旷

不及物动词使打开; 展示,显现

及物动词开放; 张开; 开张营业; 为(建筑物)揭幕

open 同义词

open 反义词


open 相关词组

1. open up : 展开, 给...开刀, 打开, 开发, 开办, 展示, 开始;

2. open out : 展开, 开发, 展现;

3. in the open : 在野外;

4. lay open : 割破, 揭露;

5. break open : 砸开;

6. be open to : 对...开放;

7. open into : 通往...;

8. throw open : 突然打开, 开放;

open 相关例句


1. She kept her bank account open.

2. The position is still open.

3. The job is still open.


1. open

1. The new road will soon be opened to traffic.



1. The ranks opened.

open 情景对话



A:(Go to/ Type in/ Open up) yahoo.com.




B:We have a problem with your order .

A:What is it ?

B:We can‘t split open a case to fill your order .


A:I‘ll see if we can take the whole case .



A:Anything to declare?

B:No, nothing.

A:What’s this? Open this box, please.


B:Souvenir for my wife.

A:Is liquor or cigarette here?

B:One bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton. Is it taxable?

A:No. It’s OK.

open 网络解释

1. open:opening; 偏移量

open 词典解释

1. 打开(门、窗、盖等)
    If you open something such as a door, window, or lid, or if it opens, its position is changed so that it no longer covers a hole or gap.


    e.g. He opened the window and looked out...
    e.g. The church doors would open and the crowd would surge out.

2. 将(瓶、盒等)开封;拆开(包裹、信封等)
    If you open something such as a bottle, box, parcel, or envelope, you move, remove, or cut part of it so you can take out what is inside.

    e.g. The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes...
    e.g. The capsules are fiddly to open.

3. 翻开;张开;展开
    If you open something such as a book, an umbrella, or your hand, or if it opens, the different parts of it move away from each other so that the inside of it can be seen.

    e.g. He opened the heavy Bible...
    e.g. She opens her umbrella, and walks up River Street...

4. 打开(计算机文件)
    If you open a computer file, you give the computer an instruction to display it on the screen.

    e.g. Double click on the icon to open the file.

Note that you do not use open as a verb or adjective to talk about electrical devices. If someone causes an electrical device to work by pressing a switch, you say that they put it on, switch it on, or turn it on. It''s too easy just to switch on the television. If the device is already working, you say that it is on. The answering machine is on... He cannot sleep with the light on.
注意, open 作动词或形容词使用时,不能表示打开电气设备。如果某人通过按开关打开电气设备,可以说 put on, switch on 或 turn on:It''s too easy just to switch on the television(打开电视机实在是太顺手了)。如果该设备已在运转,用 on 表示:The answering machine is on(电话答录机是开着的),He cannot sleep with the light on(灯开着他睡不着)。

5. (使)(眼睛)睁开
    When you open your eyes or your eyes open, you move your eyelids upwards, for example when you wake up, so that you can see.

    e.g. When I opened my eyes I saw a man with an axe standing at the end of my bed...
    e.g. His eyes were opening wide.

6. 敞开(双臂)
    If you open your arms, you stretch them wide apart in front of you, usually in order to put them round someone.


    e.g. She opened her arms and gave me a big hug.

7. (身前)无遮挡的;(姿势)端正的
    If you stand or sit in an open way, the front of your body is fully exposed and you are not bending forward or at an angle to someone.

    e.g. Good listeners even sit in an open way: relaxed, arms loose...
    e.g. I play normal bunker shots with an open stance.

8. 坦率的;诚恳的;不作伪的
    If you describe a person or their character as open, you mean they are honest and do not want or try to hide anything or to deceive anyone.

    e.g. He had always been open with her and she always felt she would know if he lied...
    e.g. She has an open, trusting nature.

...a relationship based on honesty and openness.

9. 公开的;不加掩饰的
      If you describe a situation, attitude, or way of behaving as open, you mean it is not kept hidden or secret.

      e.g. The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention...
      e.g. Hearing the case in open court is only one part of the judicial process.

...the new climate of political openness.

10. 愿意接受(建议、观点等)的;虚怀若谷的
      If you are open to suggestions or ideas, you are ready and willing to consider or accept them.

      e.g. They are open to suggestions on how working conditions might be improved.

11. 容易招致(滥用、批评等)的;易受(攻击)的
      If you say that a system, person, or idea is open to something such as abuse or criticism, you mean they might receive abuse or criticism because of their qualities, effects, or actions.

      e.g. The system, though well-meaning, is open to abuse...
      e.g. They left themselves wide open to accusations of double standards and hypocrisy.

12. 悬而未决的;尚未决定的
      If you say that a fact or question is open to debate, interpretation, or discussion, you mean that people are uncertain whether it is true, what it means, or what the answer is.


      e.g. The truth of the facts produced may be open to doubt...
      e.g. It is an open question how long that commitment can last.

13. 开放(被封的道路、边界等);开通
      If people open something such as a blocked road or a border, or if it opens, people can then pass along it or through it.


      e.g. The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast...
      e.g. The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass.

14. 通向(更大的地方)
      If a place opens into another, larger place, you can move from one directly into the other.

      e.g. The corridor opened into a low smoky room.

15. 开阔的;空旷的
      An open area is a large area that does not have many buildings or trees in it.


      e.g. Officers will also continue their search of nearby open ground.

16. 敞开的;无遮盖的;无围挡的
      An open structure or object is not covered or enclosed.


      e.g. Don''t leave a child alone in a room with an open fire.
      e.g. ...open sandwiches.

17. (伤口)外露的,裸露的,流血的
      An open wound is one from which a liquid such as blood is coming.

18. 把(衣服)解开;把…的拉链拉开
      If you open your shirt or coat, you undo the buttons or pull down the zip.

      e.g. I opened my coat and let him see the belt.

19. (使)开始营业;(使)开门
      When a shop, office, or public building opens or is opened, its doors are unlocked and the public can go in.

      e.g. Banks closed on Friday afternoon and did not open again until Monday morning.
      e.g. ...a gang of three who''d apparently been lying in wait for him to open the shop.

20. 为(大楼、工厂、公司等)举行揭幕典礼;开设;开办;开张
      When a public building, factory, or company opens or when someone opens it, it starts operating for the first time.

      e.g. The original station opened in 1754...
      e.g. The complex opens to the public tomorrow...

He was there, though, for the official opening.

21. (使)(会议、会谈)开始;召开
      If something such as a meeting or series of talks opens, or if someone opens it, it begins.


      e.g. ...an emergency session of the Russian Parliament due to open later this morning...
      e.g. They are now ready to open negotiations.

...a communique issued at the opening of the talks.

22. (以…)开始
      If an event such as a meeting or discussion opens with a particular activity or if a particular activity opens an event, that activity is the first thing that happens or is dealt with. You can also say that someone such as a speaker or singer opens by doing a particular thing.

      e.g. The service opened with a hymn...
      e.g. She opened with an impressive version of ''I Still Haven''t Found What I''m Looking For''...

23. (股市)开盘,开市
      On the stock exchange, the price at which currencies, shares, or commodities open is their value at the start of that day''s trading.


      e.g. Gold declined $2 in Zurich to open at 385.50...
      e.g. In Paris and Milan, the dollar opened almost unchanged.

24. 上映;开演;开幕
      When a film, play, or other public event opens, it begins to be shown, be performed, or take place for a limited period of time.


      e.g. A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday...
      e.g. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.

He is due to attend the opening of the Asian Games on Saturday.

25. (在银行等处)开立(账户)
      If you open an account with a bank or a commercial organization, you begin to use their services.

      e.g. He tried to open an account at the branch of his bank nearest to his workplace.

26. (机会、选择等)可利用的,可得到的
      If an opportunity or choice is open to you, you are able to do a particular thing if you choose to.

      e.g. There are a wide range of career opportunities open to young people.

27. (使)(机会、可能性等)出现;(使)产生
      To open opportunities or possibilities means the same as to open them up.


      e.g. The chief of naval operations wants to open opportunities for women in the Navy...
      e.g. A series of fortunate opportunities opened to him.

28. 人人可以参加(或接受)的;开放的
      You can use open to describe something that anyone is allowed to take part in or accept.

      e.g. A recent open meeting of College members revealed widespread dissatisfaction...
      e.g. A portfolio approach would keep entry into the managerial profession open and flexible.

29. (提议等)有效的;(职位等)空缺的,可申请的
      If something such as an offer or job is open, it is available for someone to accept or apply for.

      e.g. The offer will remain open until further notice.

30. 在露天;在户外;在野外
      If you do something in the open, you do it out of doors rather than in a house or other building.


      e.g. Many are sleeping in the open because they have no shelter.

31. 公开的;众人皆知的
      If an attitude or situation is in the open or out in the open, people know about it and it is no longer kept secret.


      e.g. The medical service had advised us to keep it a secret, but we wanted it in the open.

32. 大开的;敞开的;(眼睛)睁大的
      If something is wide open, it is open to its full extent.


      e.g. The child had left the inner door wide open.

33. (比赛、选举等)结果不确定的,胜负难定的
      If you say that a competition, race, or election is wide open, you mean that anyone could win it, because there is no competitor who seems to be much better than the others.

      e.g. The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.

34. with open arms -> see arm
      to open the door -> see door
      to keep your eyes open -> see eye
      with your eyes open -> see eye
      to open your eyes -> see eye
      to open fire -> see fire
      to open your heart -> see heart
      the heavens open -> see heaven
      an open mind -> see mind
      to open your mind -> see mind
      to keep your options open -> see option

相关词组:open outopen up

open 英英释义


1. information that has become public

    e.g. all the reports were out in the open
           the facts had been brought to the surface

    Synonym: surface

2. a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play

3. where the air is unconfined

    e.g. he wanted to get outdoors a little
           the concert was held in the open air
           camping in the open

    Synonym: outdoorsout-of-doorsopen air

4. a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water

    e.g. finally broke out of the forest into the open

    Synonym: clear



1. make available

    e.g. This opens up new possibilities

    Synonym: open up

2. become available

    e.g. an opportunity opened up

    Synonym: open up

3. make the opening move

    e.g. Kasparov opened with a standard opening

4. cause to open or to become open

    e.g. Mary opened the car door

    Synonym: open up

5. become open

    e.g. The door opened

    Synonym: open up

6. spread out or open from a closed or folded state

    e.g. open the map
           spread your arms

    Synonym: unfoldspreadspread out

7. display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer

8. afford access to

    e.g. the door opens to the patio
           The French doors give onto a terrace

    Synonym: affordgive

9. begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.

    e.g. He opened the meeting with a long speech

10. start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning

    e.g. open a business

    Synonym: open up

11. have an opening or passage or outlet

      e.g. The bedrooms open into the hall


1. ready for business

    e.g. the stores are open

2. not having been filled

    e.g. the job is still open

3. openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness

    e.g. his candid eyes
           an open and trusting nature
           a heart-to-heart talk

    Synonym: candidheart-to-heart

4. without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition

    e.g. the clarity and resonance of an open tone
           her natural and open response

5. affording free passage or view

    e.g. a clear view
           a clear path to victory
           open waters
           the open countryside

    Synonym: clear

6. affording unobstructed entrance and exit
    not shut or closed

    e.g. an open door
           they left the door open

    Synonym: unfastened

7. affording free passage or access

    e.g. open drains
           the road is open to traffic
           open ranks

8. used of mouth or eyes

    e.g. keep your eyes open
           his mouth slightly opened

    Synonym: opened

9. having no protecting cover or enclosure

    e.g. an open boat
           an open fire
           open sports cars

10. (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints

11. open and observable
      not secret or hidden

      e.g. an overt lie
             overt hostility
             overt intelligence gathering
             open ballots

      Synonym: overt

12. open to or in view of all

      e.g. an open protest
             an open letter to the editor

13. with no protection or shield

      e.g. the exposed northeast frontier
             open to the weather
             an open wound

      Synonym: exposed

14. ready or willing to receive favorably

      e.g. receptive to the proposals

      Synonym: receptive

15. accessible to all

      e.g. open season
             an open economy

16. not sealed or having been unsealed

      e.g. the letter was already open
             the opened package lay on the table

      Synonym: opened

17. not brought to a conclusion
      subject to further thought

      e.g. an open question
             our position on this bill is still undecided
             our lawsuit is still undetermined

      Synonym: undecidedundeterminedunresolved

18. (of textures) full of small openings or gaps

      e.g. an open texture
             a loose weave

      Synonym: loose

19. possibly accepting or permitting

      e.g. a passage capable of misinterpretation
             open to interpretation
             an issue open to question
             the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation

      Synonym: capablesubject

20. not defended or capable of being defended

      e.g. an open city
             open to attack

      Synonym: assailableundefendableundefended

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