
shut [ʃʌt]  [ʃʌt] 


shut 基本解释

及物/不及物动词关闭; 闭上; 合上; 打烊

形容词关闭; 关门; 停业; 合拢

shut 同义词

shut 反义词


shut 相关词组

1. shut down : 关闭;

2. shut up : 住口;

3. shut out : 使不能得分;

4. shut to : 关上;

5. shut in : 关进, 禁闭;

6. shut off : 关掉;

shut 相关例句


1. shut的近义词

1. He shut his eyes to her faults.

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. The rain stopped and I shut my umbrella.


3. Shut the window, please.

4. Why have you shut the door upon further negotiations?


1. shut什么意思

1. The stores shut at 9:30 p.m.

2. The door won''t shut.

shut 网络解释

1. 关闭:<关闭>>(SHUT)看完以为是英国电影,网上一查是德国的.可那口音是标准伦敦郊区啊.开个玩笑.伦敦音是什么,我都不知道.<恐怖入侵>>(The Invasion)一部所谓的科幻恐怖片.

2. 闭:该产品采用软测量技术和脉宽调剂(PWM)智能控制算法,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4-20mA信号和电动执行器内部的塑料电位器位置反馈信号,以各种阀门或装置进行精确定正用途:信号4mA-全开(OPEN) 信号20mA-全闭(SHUT)反用途:信号4mA

3. shut在线翻译

3. 此路不通:6、Pull 拉 | 7、Shut 此路不通 | 8、On 打开 ( 放)

4. 关上, 闭上, 关闭:asceticism 禁欲主义, 苦行 | shut 关上, 闭上, 关闭 | armature relay 电枢继电器

shut 词典解释

The form shut is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. shut 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

1. 关闭;关上;合上
    If you shut something such as a door or if it shuts, it moves so that it fills a hole or a space.

    e.g. Just make sure you shut the gate after you...
    e.g. The screen door shut gently.

2. 闭上(眼睛)
    If you shut your eyes, you lower your eyelids so that you cannot see anything.

    e.g. Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn''t see it happen.

3. 闭上(嘴巴);(嘴巴)合上
    If your mouth shuts or if you shut your mouth, you place your lips firmly together.

    e.g. Daniel''s mouth opened, and then shut again...
    e.g. He opened and shut his mouth, unspeaking.

4. (使)(商店、酒吧等公共场所)关门,停止营业,休息
    When a store, bar, or other public building shuts or when someone shuts it, it is closed and you cannot use it until it is open again.


    e.g. There is a tendency to shut museums or shops at a moment''s notice...
    e.g. Shops usually shut from noon-3pm, and stay open late...
           商店通常中午到下午 3 点关门,然后营业到很晚。

5. 故意忽视;故意不予理会;对…视若罔闻
    If you say that someone shuts their eyes to something, you mean that they deliberately ignore something which they should deal with.

    e.g. We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth...
    e.g. She was shutting her eyes to reality, just as she had done after Matthew died.

6. 保密;三缄其口
    If someone tells you to keep your mouth shut about something, they are telling you not to let anyone else know about it.


    e.g. I don''t have to tell you how important it is for you to keep your mouth shut about all this...
    e.g. He paid my brother to kill Norton and keep his mouth shut.

7. 保持沉默;不发表意见
    If you keep your mouth shut, you do not express your opinions about something, even though you would like to.

    e.g. If she had kept her mouth shut she would still have her job now.

8. 住口;闭嘴
    If someone tells you to shut your mouth or shut your face, they are telling you very rudely to stop talking.

    e.g. ''Oi, shut your mouth and have respect for elders,'' Langda said to the boy.
           “喂, 闭嘴,对长者要尊重,”兰达对那男孩说。

9. shut up shop -> see shop

相关词组:shut awayshut downshut inshut offshut outshut up

shut 英英释义


1. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed
    make shut

    e.g. Close the door
           shut the window

    Synonym: close

2. become closed

    e.g. The windows closed with a loud bang

    Synonym: close

3. prevent from entering
    shut out

    e.g. The trees were shutting out all sunlight
           This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country

    Synonym: excludekeep outshut out



1. not open

    e.g. the door slammed shut

    Synonym: unopenclosed

2. used especially of mouth or eyes

    e.g. he sat quietly with closed eyes
           his eyes were shut against the sunlight

    Synonym: closed

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