
surface [ˈsɜ:fɪs]  [ˈsɜ:rfɪs] 


surface 基本解释

名词表面; 外观,外表; 地面。水面

不及物动词浮出水面; 在表面工作; 显露

及物动词使浮出水面; 使成平面

形容词表面的,外观的; 外表上的,平地上的; 肤浅的

surface 同义词

surface 反义词



surface 相关词组

1. on the surface : 表面上;


surface 相关例句


1. The Americans are strengthening their surface fleet.


1. We are going to surface this road.


1. A submarine surfaced outside the harbor.


1. It has a rough surface.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. Look below the surface of things.

surface 网络解释


1. 地面:有些超现实的场景提示人联想到的是现实的战争和暴力;法国越南裔的女摄影家Liza Nguyen,自小在法国长大,但是回到越南,她在多处经历过战争的土地上,掬一捧土,放在白色背景上拍摄,让这组名为<地面>> (Surface)的作品追溯越南饱受

2. surface什么意思

2. surface:surf; 操纵面

surface 词典解释

1. 表面;表层;上面
    The surface of something is the flat top part of it or the outside of it.

    e.g. Ozone forms a protective layer between 12 and 30 miles above the Earth''s surface.
           臭氧在地球表面上方 12 到 30 英里处形成一个保护层。
    e.g. ...tiny little waves on the surface of the water...

2. 桌面;台面;操作台
    A work surface is a flat area, for example the top of a table, desk, or kitchen cupboard, on which you can work.

    e.g. It can simply be left on the work surface...
    e.g. Place the fish on a flat surface and sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice and pepper.

3. 表面;外表;表象
    When you refer to the surface of a situation, you are talking about what can be seen easily rather than what is hidden or not immediately obvious.


    e.g. Back in Britain, things appear, on the surface, simpler...
    e.g. Social unrest, never far below the surface in Brazil, has erupted over the last few days...

4. (军队)陆上的,水上的
    Surface is used to describe the parts of the armed forces which travel by ship or by land rather than underwater or in the air.

    e.g. In contrast with its surface fleet, Britain''s submarine force was relatively small.
    e.g. ...Nato surface forces.

5. 升到水面;浮出水面
    If someone or something under water surfaces, they come up to the surface of the water.

    e.g. He surfaced, gasping for air.

6. 显露;暴露;流露;公开
    When something such as a piece of news, a feeling, or a problem surfaces, it becomes known or becomes obvious.

    e.g. The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar...
    e.g. The emotions will surface at some point in life...

7. (一段时间未见后)现身,露面;醒来
    When someone surfaces, they appear after not being seen for some time, for example because they have been asleep.

    e.g. There''s no chance that he''ll surface because he''s bound to have heard by now...
    e.g. What time do you surface?

surface 英英释义


1. a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air
    can lift or control a plane in flight

    Synonym: airfoilaerofoilcontrol surface

2. the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary

    e.g. there is a special cleaner for these surfaces
           the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface

3. information that has become public

    e.g. all the reports were out in the open
           the facts had been brought to the surface

    Synonym: open

4. a superficial aspect as opposed to the real nature of something

    e.g. it was not what it appeared to be on the surface

5. the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object

    e.g. they skimmed over the surface of the water
           a brush small enough to clean every dental surface
           the sun has no distinct surface

6. the outermost level of the land or sea

    e.g. earthquakes originate far below the surface
           three quarters of the Earth''s surface is covered by water

    Synonym: Earth''s surface


1. appear or become visible
    make a showing

    e.g. She turned up at the funeral
           I hope the list key is going to surface again

    Synonym: come oncome outturn upshow up

2. put a coat on
    cover the surface of
    furnish with a surface

    e.g. coat the cake with chocolate

    Synonym: coat

3. come to the surface

    Synonym: come uprise uprise


1. on the surface

    e.g. surface materials of the moon

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