
frame [freɪm]  [frem] 


frame 基本解释

名词框架; 边框; 眼镜框; 组织

及物动词陷害; 设计; 表达; 使适合(某一特殊用途)


frame 相关例句


1. He was framed by the real criminals.

2. frame的近义词

2. The prisoner claimed that he had been frameed by his enemies.

3. The military plan will be framed tomorrow.


1. I need to buy new spectacle frames.

2. frame

2. That athlete has a large frame.

frame 网络解释

1. 车架:以形成无焊接性且具刚性之结构,该车架采用1.5吋管件在预弯后以高压成形方式制成复杂的三次元结构. 主要应用于车架零组件,包括:车架(Frame)、上管(Top Tube)、车首管、接头(Joints)等,目前国际间领导品牌均有此方向之研究开发.

2. frame:frames; 集合提供了对

frame 词典解释

1. (尤指挂在墙上展示的)画框,镜框
    The frame of a picture or mirror is the wood, metal, or plastic that is fitted around it, especially when it is displayed or hung on a wall.


    e.g. Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece.
    e.g. ...a pair of picture frames.

2. 框;架;骨架;框架
    The frame of an object such as a building, chair, or window is the arrangement of wooden, metal, or plastic bars between which other material is fitted, and which give the object its strength and shape.

    e.g. He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames...
    e.g. With difficulty he released the mattress from the metal frame, and groped beneath it...

3. 眼镜框;眼镜架
    The frames of a pair of glasses are all the metal or plastic parts of it, but not the lenses.

    e.g. He was wearing new spectacles with gold wire frames.

4. (人体的)骨架;(尤指)体形,体态
    You can refer to someone''s body as their frame, especially when you are describing the general shape of their body.


    e.g. Their belts are pulled tight against their bony frames.

5. (电影的)画面,镜头
    A frame of cinema film is one of the many separate photographs that it consists of.

    e.g. Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second.
           标准的 8 毫米的胶片每秒放映16 组镜头。

6. (建筑)木制的,木结构的
    A frame building is one in which pieces of wood form the most important part of the structure, rather than bricks or stone.

    e.g. He lives in a white-painted frame house behind a picket fence up in Connecticut.

7. 给…加框
    When a picture or photograph is framed, it is put in a frame.

    e.g. The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed...
    e.g. On the wall is a large framed photograph.

8. 给…镶边;给…做框
    If an object is framed by a particular thing, it is surrounded by that thing in a way that makes the object more striking or attractive to look at.

    e.g. The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens...
    e.g. An elegant occasional table is framed in the window.

9. 创设,拟定,制定(规则、计划或体系)
    If someone frames something such as a set of rules, a plan, or a system, they create and develop it.

    e.g. After the war, a convention was set up to frame a constitution.

10. 表达;表示
    If someone frames something in a particular style or kind of language, they express it in that way.

    e.g. The story is framed in a format that is part thriller, part love story...
    e.g. He framed this question three different ways in search of an answer.
           为了寻求答案,他以 3 种不同方式提出了这个问题。

11. 作伪证;陷害;诬陷
      If someone frames an innocent person, they make other people think that that person is guilty of a crime, by lying or inventing evidence.

      e.g. I need to find out who tried to frame me...
      e.g. He claimed that he had been framed by the police.

12. 在…考虑范围内;有机会成为…
      If someone is in the frame for something such as a job or position, they are being considered for it.

      e.g. We need a win to keep us in the frame for the title.

frame 英英释义


1. one of the ten divisions into which bowling is divided

2. a framework that supports and protects a picture or a mirror

    e.g. the frame enhances but is not itself the subject of attention
           the frame was much more valuable than the miror it held

    Synonym: framing

3. the framework for a pair of eyeglasses

4. a single one of a series of still transparent pictures forming a cinema, television or video film

5. the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape

    e.g. the building has a steel skeleton

    Synonym: skeletonskeletal frameunderframe

6. alternative names for the body of a human being

    e.g. Leonardo studied the human body
           he has a strong physique
           the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

    Synonym: human bodyphysical bodymaterial bodysomabuildfigurephysiqueanatomyshapebodchassisformflesh

7. the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal

    Synonym: skeletal systemskeletonsystema skeletale

8. a system of assumptions and standards that sanction behavior and give it meaning

    Synonym: frame of reference

9. an application that divides the user''s display into two or more windows that can be scrolled independently

10. a single drawing in a comic_strip

11. (baseball) one of nine divisions of play during which each team has a turn at bat

      Synonym: inning


1. make up plans or basic details for

    e.g. frame a policy

    Synonym: composedraw up

2. formulate in a particular style or language

    e.g. I wouldn''t put it that way
           She cast her request in very polite language

    Synonym: redactcastputcouch

3. enclose in or as if in a frame

    e.g. frame a picture

    Synonym: frame inborder

4. construct by fitting or uniting parts together

    Synonym: frame up

5. take or catch as if in a snare or trap

    e.g. I was set up!
           The innocent man was framed by the police

    Synonym: ensnareentrapset up

6. enclose in a frame, as of a picture

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