
physical body

physical body 双语例句

1. If you enter this world you will never, ever want to leave it, you cannot leave it, until your physical body calls and drags you back.

2. In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body.
    摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。

3. This means that the physical aspect of pencak silat is important. We try to have a sound mind in a sound body.
    文化和艺术方面:pencak silat的文化和表演艺术方面是非常重要的。

4. physical body的意思

4. The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all''''.''forces''.

5. physical body的意思

5. The state of a body or physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion in which the resultant of all forces acting on it is zero and the sum of all torques about any axis is zero.

6. What you may do to prepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all that it might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into the Love of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a process of meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placing yourself into a state of Peaceful awareness.

7. What you may do toprepare now, to ensure that your place in this process is all thatit might be, is to continue to diligently place yourself into theLove of your own Higher Self/Soul Essence, each day, in a processof meditation, or sitting in a peaceful place of contemplation –bringing deep relaxation to your physical body, and placingyourself into a state of Peaceful awareness.

8. physical body

8. The physical body is full of impure liquids and substances but we dote on it as something pure and desirable.

9. Sincere smile can regulate the hormone of body, the body can produce Endorphin, it can let a person emit cheerful color from inside to outside and help his physical and mental health

10. Methods: One hundred and sixty SD rats were randomly divided into four groups (40 in each group), and orally given the medicine with doses of 50, 25, or 12.5 g/kg of crude drug, or with bean oil of 0.5%CMC-Na daily for 26 weeks. The physical status (body weight, growth rate and appetite), hematological parameters, blood biochemistry, blood cotting, organ index, and tissue pathological changes of rats were checked in the 13th week, and 26th week of the administration and in four weeks after the stop of the administration.

11. The physical status (body weight, growth rate and appetite), hematological parameters, blood biochemistry, blood cotting, organ index, and tissue pathological changes of rats were checked in the 13th week, and 26th week of the administration and in four weeks after the stop of the administration.

12. 公共查询·英语单词大全

12. She will be the first traditional Chinese therapy (Scalp Acupuncture, Body Acupuncture, Point-injection drugs, the head lesion area closed Massage, TCM) and modern rehabilitation techniques (physical therapy, occupational therapy, language training, psychological treatment and special education, Community rehabilitation), which combines applications in the treatment of cerebral palsy in children and elderly dementia patients, Doctors were to create a new system of comprehensive treatment by the new international search retrieval no relevant reports, treatment is an international initiative, opened a pediatric cerebral palsy and Alzheimers disease can rule precedent cerebral palsy rehabilitation so that the frontier areas of advanced technology and future generations of sustainable development of human sexual self-help project the idea of congestion staying in the forefront of domestic and international counterparts. the medical history of the world integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of children with cerebral palsy and dementia rehabilitation medicine theory made a breakthrough contribution.

13. Adhere to physical activity, will enable patients with essential hypertension emotional stability, ease of mind, ease the work and life stress, anxiety and excitement and change the cerebral cortex, central nervous system and central vasomotor dysfunction, so that the whole body in a state of tension of the small arteries to relaxation, thus contributing to the decline in blood pressure.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. Afterward, we use Pearson product-moment correlation method to find out association between physical activity and body mass Index. Results: For female college student, the physical activity of underweight group (8982 ± 1906 steps/day) is obviously higher than overweight/obese group (7864 ± 2372 steps/day).
      结果:大学女生体重过轻组之身体活动量(8982 ± 1906步/天)明显高於体重过重/肥胖组(7864 ± 2372步/天);每日步数小於5,000步组的BMI(21.62 ± 3.30 kg/m2)明显高於每日大於12,500步的BMI(19.58 ± 1.28 kg/m2)。

15. 公共查询·英语单词

15. Use easy methods to manipulate the complicated structure of human body to obtain physical and psychological health.

16. They worked in what were seen as unpleasant jobs such as cleaning of feases, carrying of died body, building road, etc… Indian citizens think if somehow a member of a higher caste came into physical or social contact with an untouchable, the member of the higher caste was defiled. Therefore, to them the untouchables will forever be untouchables and hereditary.

17. physical body

17. Unlike patients with an acute illness, whose diseases can be cured and their body restored to health within a relatively short time, patients with chronic illness have to start up a new life with a deformed physical situation. In this article, the stories of the chronically ill are reconstructed from two selective narratives in other researches.

18. These sessions will help you find the connection unto your own inner healing power and learn to keep your physical body in balance with the etheric vessel.

19. Lin Qianliang concluded the curative effects of tea as following aspects, namely: Help less sleep, tranquilize the nerves, brighten eyes, fresh brain, quench thirst, promote the body fluid, clear heat, relieve summer heat, expel the poison, promote digestion, keep fat off, break wind, eliminating dampness, relax the bowels, dispel phlegm, expel pathogenic wind from body surface, consolidate the teeth, cure the heartache, cure furunculosis and paralysis, relieve hunger, benefit physical strength, prolong life and others.

20. physical body的反义词

20. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.

physical body 单语例句

1. The data were adjusted to compensate for factors such as differences in physical activity among the girls and normal increases in body fat during adolescence.

2. When the brain has a sudden burst of electricity, the body experiences physical changes called epileptic seizures.

3. " Physical exercise will involve the excitation of all the meridians spreading in the whole body, " he explained.

4. The physical exertion makes dancer''s body release the happy hormones and let them feel better and more energetic.

5. Microsoft said the gadget can track a players''full body movement, recognize their face and voice and respond to their physical and vocal commands.

6. The universal charm of the Olympic Games lies in its celebration of sportsmanship, as well as the physical potentials of the human body.

7. It not only helps improve your physical body but also benefits internal organs, glands and nervous system.

8. Where the mind and heart push the body past physical limitations, mental anguish and societal barriers to compete on the world stage.

9. It is a physical and spiritual exercise which may strengthen your body as well as your mind.

10. The nonagenarian man has kept on the extraordinary physical exercises over the past 27 years to keep body fit.

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