名词骨骼; (建筑物等的)骨架; 梗概; 骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)
形容词骨骼的; 骨瘦如柴的; 概略的; 基本的
1. be reduced to a skeleton : 变得骨瘦如柴;
1. The director set out the plan in skeleton form.
1. He centers his constructions around reinforced concrete or steel skeletons.
2. skeleton的解释
2. A long illness made a skeleton out of him.
3. skeleton在线翻译
3. The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.
4. He was reduced to a skeleton.
1. 骨架:注意我们这里说的是维护,不是存取,因为,通常的数据处理过程并没有我们想象的那么简单,并不是取钱以后就减去相应金额,因为我们要保持余额大于0,这就产生了一条Rule,所以models应该是:Rails在你身成 web app 的时候,已经帮你构造好了 MVC 骨架(skeleton)
2. 骨骼:横切面呈环状,脉管壁厚而光滑,回声强,搏动明显;静脉管壁薄,回声弱(图 1-3-5), 搏动不明显,血管近端较粗,远端逐渐变细.图 1-3-5 血管声像图 右图为动脉,左图为静脉脉 (六)骨骼(Skeleton) 超声正常情况下难以完全穿透骨组织,
3. 无舵雪车:卑诗省政府趁冬奥热潮仍在,宣布与阿省在今年底,分别在威士拿及卡加利两个冬奥场地,合办2010-11年度世界杯雪橇(Bobsleigh)及无舵雪车(Skeleton)赛事. 省健康生活及体育厅长张杏芳与阿省旅游厅长埃迪(Cindy ...中新社纽约2月18日电 一架低空飞行的小型飞机18日撞入德克萨斯州奥斯汀市国税局的办公大楼,
1. 骨骼;骸骨
Your skeleton is the framework of bones in your body.
e.g. ...a human skeleton.
2. (员工)最基本的,基干的
A skeleton staff is the smallest number of staff necessary in order to run an organization or service.
e.g. Only a skeleton staff remains to show anyone interested around the site.
3. 轮廓;框架;构架;梗概
The skeleton of something such as a building or a plan is its basic framework.
e.g. Only skeletons of buildings remained.
e.g. ...a skeleton of policy guidelines.
4. 家丑;不可告人的丑事
If you say that someone has a skeleton in the closet, or in British English a skeleton in the cupboard, you mean that they are keeping secret a bad or embarrassing fact about themselves.
e.g. Mr Worthing is this election''s Mr Nice Guy, without any skeletons in his cupboard.
1. the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape
e.g. the building has a steel skeleton
Synonym: skeletal frameframeunderframe
2. the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal
Synonym: skeletal systemframesystema skeletale
3. a scandal that is kept secret
e.g. there must be a skeleton somewhere in that family''s closet
Synonym: skeleton in the closetskeleton in the cupboard
4. something reduced to its minimal form
e.g. the battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self
the bare skeleton of a novel