
dress [dres]  [drɛs] 


dress 基本解释

名词衣服; 礼服; 连衣裙; 装饰

及物/不及物动词打扮; 穿着; 给…穿衣

形容词连衣裙的; 须穿礼服的; 适合于正式场合的; 办公时(或半正式场合)穿戴的

及物动词给…穿衣; 给…提供衣服; 装潢,装饰或装点; 排成列

不及物动词穿衣; 排列整齐

dress 同义词

dress 反义词


dress 相关词组

1. dress up : 打扮;

dress 相关例句


1. The mother is dressing her baby.

2. dress的反义词

2. I dressed his cut hand.

3. dress

3. The princess is dressed by a famous dressmaker.


1. She is dressing for the party.


1. All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses.

dress 情景对话


A:That dress is too expensive.


B:But it’s so pretty.

A:Yes, it is pretty, but it costs $200. What about this one? It’s almost the same, but it costs half as much.


B:It’s not the same. It’s completely different.

A:It’s just a little shorter.

B:I really like this one.


A:Well, it’s your money. You can spend it however you want.


B:Do you really think it’s pretty?

A:Yeah. It’s pretty.


A:What do you think about this dress, Geoff?

B:I like the pattern, but I’m not sure I like the red on you.

A:Do you think it fits?

B:Very nicely.


A:Would you go to check if they have the same dress in blue, then? You can just bring it back to the fitting room.


A:One more thing, what do you think about these pants? Do you think they would need hemming?


B:No, I think they’re the right length.


A:Do you like the pattern? I just can’t decide between the plain or the striped ones. What do you think?

B:I like plain clothes myself, but they both look fine on you. Which ones do you like more?

A:I think I’ll go for the striped pair of pants, then.

B:Good decision. I’ll just go and look for that dress then.

A:Thanks dear.

Before Leaving Home-(离家前)


A:Susan, good evening. Why are you so dressed up??

B:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. How do I look? Is my make-up OK?

A:You look great. Your make-up is perfect.

B:Do you think I should wear a different dress?


A:No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with your hair like that.

B:Thanks for saying. Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear?


A:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect.

B:Thanks for helping out?. Now that I’m ready, what are you doing tonight?

A:Not much, just a house party? with some friends.

B:Sounds fun. Anyone I know?


A:Yeah, most of the people are from our office.

B:Sounds Like I'm missing out on? a good time. Oh, well, there is always next year.

A:I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter where you go. Remember to take your bag.

dress 网络解释

1. 连衣裙:记忆:一个(a)弟弟(d)顺着地址找到了连衣裙(dress)的主人. 记忆:做(do)醋(cu)的人们(men)他(ta)们边看纪录片学日语(ry). 记忆:来(come)和弟弟(d)一(y)起看喜剧.

2. 洋裝:鲜红的洋装(Dress) 鲜红的皮靴(Heel)鲜红的口红(Rouge) 鲜红的蔷薇(Rose)你那原本是白色的衣服(Shirt) 现在染上鲜艳的深红(Scarlet)你那原本是白色的衣服(Shirt) 现在────终至颓废(Decadence)的幻想 持续编织背德的罗曼史(Romance)老旧的金币(coin) 被紧握著 挣扎著爬行的同时 男人笑了将眼泪化为微笑慢慢靠近 握著

dress 词典解释

1. 连衣裙
    A dress is a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl. It covers her body and part of her legs.

    e.g. She was wearing a black dress.

2. 衣服
    You can refer to clothes worn by men or women as dress .

    e.g. He''s usually smart in his dress.
    e.g. ...hundreds of Cambodians in traditional dress.

3. 穿衣
    When you dress or dress yourself, you put on clothes.

    e.g. He told Sarah to wait while he dressed...
    e.g. Sue had dressed herself neatly for work.

4. 给…穿衣服
    If you dress someone, for example a child, you put clothes on them.

    e.g. She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes.

5. 穿着;打扮
    If someone dresses in a particular way, they wear clothes of a particular style or colour.

    e.g. He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he''s got authority...
    e.g. She used to dress in jeans.

6. 穿礼服
    If you dress for something, you put on special clothes for it.

    e.g. We don''t dress for dinner here.

7. 清洗,包扎,敷裹(伤口)
    When someone dresses a wound, they clean it and cover it.

    e.g. The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds.

8. 调制,加作料于(色拉)
    If you dress a salad, you cover it with a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings.

    e.g. Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.
    e.g. ...a bowl of dressed salad.

9. (在烹饪前)清洗,加工处理(鸡、鱼或肉类)
    To dress meat, chicken, or fish means to prepare it for cooking by cleaning it and removing the parts that you cannot eat.

    e.g. Her mother dressed the meat.
    e.g. ...dressed crab.

10. see also: dressing;dressed

相关词组:dress downdress up

dress 英英释义


1. clothing in general

    e.g. she was refined in her choice of apparel
           he always bought his clothes at the same store
           fastidious about his dress

    Synonym: apparelwearing apparelclothes

2. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion

    e.g. formal attire
           battle dress

    Synonym: attiregarb

3. a one-piece garment for a woman
    has skirt and bodice

    Synonym: frock


1. arrange attractively

    e.g. dress my hair for the wedding

    Synonym: arrangesetdocoifcoiffecoiffure

2. dress or groom with elaborate care

    e.g. She likes to dress when going to the opera

    Synonym: preenprimpplume

3. dress in a certain manner

    e.g. She dresses in the latest Paris fashion
           he dressed up in a suit and tie

    Synonym: dress up

4. give a neat appearance to

    e.g. groom the dogs
           dress the horses

    Synonym: groomcurry

5. put on clothes

    e.g. we had to dress quickly
           dress the patient
           Can the child dress by herself?

    Synonym: get dressed

6. provide with clothes or put clothes on

    e.g. Parents must feed and dress their child

    Synonym: clotheenclothegarbraimenttoggarmenthabilitatefit outapparel

7. apply a bandage or medication to

    e.g. dress the victim''s wounds

8. convert into leather

    e.g. dress the tanned skins

9. kill and prepare for market or consumption

    e.g. dress a turkey

    Synonym: dress out

10. cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width

11. put a finish on

      e.g. dress the surface smooth

12. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

      e.g. dress the plants in the garden

      Synonym: snipclipcroptrimlopprunecut back

13. put a dressing on

      e.g. dress the salads

14. provide with decoration

      e.g. dress the windows

      Synonym: decorate

15. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods

      Synonym: trimgarnish

16. arrange in ranks

      e.g. dress troops

      Synonym: line up



1. (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes

    e.g. a dress dinner
           a full-dress ceremony

    Synonym: full-dress

2. suitable for formal occasions

    e.g. formal wear
           a full-dress uniform
           dress shoes

    Synonym: full-dress

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