
trim [trɪm]  [trɪm] 


trim 基本解释

及物动词装饰; 修剪; 整理

形容词整齐的,整洁的; 修长的; 苗条的

名词修剪; 整齐; 健康状态; 装束


trim 相关例句


1. danci.edu.pub

1. He keeps trim by jogging every day.


1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. The children were trimming up a Christmas tree.


2. The government is going to trim welfare programs.


1. trim的近义词

1. That politician is always trimming.


1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. The hedge needs a trim.

trim 情景对话



A:Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here.

B:A haircut and a shave, please.


A:How would you like your hair cut, sir?

B:Short on both sides. Not so much off at the back.

A:Very well, sir. Do you want me to trim your beard?

B:Yes, please.

A:Now have a look, please. Is it all right?


B:Well, I would like my hair cut shorter on the temples.

A:Is that satisfactory?

B:Yes, thanks.

A:Do you want conditioner?


B:No, thanks, but I'd like a face massage.

A:Yes, sir.

B:Now where should I pay the money?

A:You should go to the counter, just over there.


A:Are you being served, sir?

B:No, not yet. I just want a haircut.

A:Will you sit here, please? How would you like it cut?


B:I want it short.

A:But it’s short already, sir.


B:I mean very short, shorter than it is now.

A:Shall I just trim it?

B:No, You can cut quite a bit off. I like it to be very short all over. Do you see what I mean?

A:Oh, I see. You like the Chinese style, don’t you?


B:Yes, in the Chinese style.

A:Would you like to have a shampoo, sir?


B:No, thank you.

A:How about oil or spray?


B:No, nothing of the kind.

A:There! How is that?

B:That’s very good!


A:Good morning, madam.

B:Good morning. I would like a shampoo and set.

A:Yes, madam. What style do you want?


B:I'd like to try a new hair-style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles?


A:Sure. We have various models: hair bobbed, hair sweptback, chaplet hair style, shoulder-length hair style,hair done in a bun. Please have a look at them, madam.

B:Thanks. Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer. I would like hair spray,please.

A:Yes, madam.

B:Oh, your hair dryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?


A:Sorry, madam. I'll adjust it right away.Is that all right now?

B:Yes, thank.


A:Please have a look.


B:Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.


A:All right, madam. And would you like a manicure?


B:Yes. Use a light nail varnish, please.

trim 网络解释

1. trim是什么意思

1. 微调:7.输出电压微调(Trim)范围当电源模块与负载之间的距离远,负载电流大,连接回路压降大的情况下,可由检测(Sense)端直接检测负载两端的电压,来确保其稳定精度.

2. trim的翻译

2. 调整:电压电压电压电压 (VDC) 电流电流电流电流 (A) 电压电压电压电压 电流电流电流电流1 正输入(Vin +)2 公共输入(Vin -)4 禁止(INHB)6 同步(SYNC)7 正输出(Vout +)8 公共输出(Vout -)9 遥测反馈负端(S-)10 遥测反馈正端(S+)11 输出调整(TRIM)12 分享电流(I

3. 修整:e)9、裁剪 修整(Trim) 分割(Split)10、关联复制 抽取(Extract) 引用(Instance Feature)11、特征编辑 参数(Edit Feature Parameters) 定位(Edit Positioning) 移动(Move Feature) 重排序(Reorder Feature) 删除(Delete Feature) 抑制(Suppress Feature) 取消抑制(Unsuppress Feature) 去除参数(Remove Parameters) 实体密度(


4. trim:test rules for inventory management; 库存管理检查规则程序

5. trim:temperature resistant resin methacrylate monomer; 甲基丙烯酸酯

6. trim:tailored retrieval and information management; 定做的检索和信息管理系统

trim 词典解释

1. 整齐的;美观整洁的
    Something that is trim is neat, tidy, and attractive.

    e.g. The neighbours'' gardens were trim and neat.
    e.g. …the trim houses.

2. 苗条的;修长的
    If you describe someone''s figure as trim, you mean that it is attractive because there is no extra fat on their body.

    e.g. The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty.
           司机是个大约 30 岁的身材苗条的年轻女子。

3. 修剪;剪
    If you trim something, for example someone''s hair, you cut off small amounts of it in order to make it look neater and tidier.


    e.g. My friend trims my hair every eight weeks...
           我朋友每 8 个星期为我修剪一次头发。
    e.g. Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.

4. 削减;缩减
    If a government or other organization trims something such as a plan, policy, or amount, they reduce it slightly in extent or size.


    e.g. American companies looked at ways they could trim these costs...
    e.g. We trimmed the marketing department.

5. 点缀;装饰;(以…)镶边
    If something such as a piece of clothing is trimmed with a type of material or design, it is decorated with it, usually along its edges.


    e.g. ...jackets, which are then trimmed with crocheted flowers...
    e.g. I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace.

He wears a fur-trimmed coat.
…gold-trimmed fitted furniture.

6. 装饰(物);镶边
    The trim on something such as a piece of clothing is a decoration, for example along its edges, that is in a different colour or material.


    e.g. ...a white satin scarf with black trim...
    e.g. The saddles feature a reflective trim for night time visibility.

7. 健康;身体状况良好
    When people are in trim or in good trim, they are in good physical condition.

    e.g. He is already getting in trim for the big day...
    e.g. It is an excellent way of keeping my voice in trim.

相关词组:trim away

trim 英英释义


1. cutting down to the desired size or shape

    Synonym: trimmingclipping

2. a decoration or adornment on a garment

    e.g. the trimming on a hat
           the trim on a shirt

    Synonym: trimmingpassementerie

3. attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation

4. a state of arrangement or appearance

    e.g. in good trim

    Synonym: trimness


1. adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used

2. cut down on
    make a reduction in

    e.g. reduce your daily fat intake
           The employer wants to cut back health benefits

    Synonym: reducecut downcut backtrim downtrim backcutbring down

3. cut closely

    e.g. trim my beard

    Synonym: shave

4. remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size

    e.g. pare one''s fingernails
           trim the photograph
           trim lumber

    Synonym: pare

5. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

    e.g. dress the plants in the garden

    Synonym: snipclipcroplopdressprunecut back

6. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods

    Synonym: garnishdress

7. decorate, as with ornaments

    e.g. trim the christmas tree
           trim a shop window

8. be in equilibrium during a flight

    e.g. The airplane trimmed

9. balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces

    e.g. trim an airplane


1. thin and fit

    e.g. the spare figure of a marathon runner
           a body kept trim by exercise

    Synonym: spare

2. severely simple in line or design

    e.g. a neat tailored suit
           tailored curtains

    Synonym: tailored

3. neat and smart in appearance

    e.g. a clean-cut and well-bred young man
           the trig corporal in his jaunty cap
           a trim beard

    Synonym: clean-cuttrig

4. of places
    characterized by order and neatness
    free from disorder

    e.g. even the barn was shipshape
           a trim little sailboat

    Synonym: shipshapewell-kept

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