
clothe [kləʊð]  [kloʊð] 


clothe 基本解释

及物动词给…提供衣服,把衣服穿(在身上); 文>覆盖; 赋予

动词(用语言)表达; 使蒙受(耻辱); 赋与…以(权力,特性等); 穿衣服

clothe 相关例句


1. A dense fog clothed the field.

2. The trees are clothed in green leaves.

3. danci.edu.pub

3. We clothe our thoughts in words.

4. A judge is clothed with the authority of the state.

5. He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family.

clothe 网络解释

1. 给. . . 穿衣服:besides 此外,除了 | clothe 給. . 穿衣服 | create 創造,發生

2. 给...穿衣:climate 气候,风气,社会思潮 | clothe 给...穿衣 | clue 线索,提示

3. 穿衣:Bathe 洗澡(动词) | Breath 呼吸(动词) | Clothe 穿衣

4. 覆盖;用帆布包起来;装配帆具及索具;穿衣服:cloth 布 | clothe 覆盖;用帆布包起来;装配帆具及索具;穿衣服 | clothes stops 悬挂晒衣的小绳

clothe 词典解释

1. 为…提供衣服
    To clothe someone means to provide them with clothes to wear.

    e.g. She was on her own with two kids to feed and clothe.

clothe 英英释义


1. provide with clothes or put clothes on

    e.g. Parents must feed and dress their child

    Synonym: dressenclothegarbraimenttoggarmenthabilitatefit outapparel

2. cover as if with clothing

    e.g. the mountain was clothed in tropical trees

    Synonym: cloakdraperobe

3. furnish with power or authority
    of kings or emperors

    Synonym: investadorn

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