
disturbance [dɪˈstɜ:bəns]  [dɪˈstɜ:rbəns] 


disturbance 基本解释

名词困扰; 打扰; 骚乱,变乱; 烦闷

disturbance 相关例句


1. What triggered the disturbances in January?

2. disturbance的反义词

2. There has been a disturbance in the street; sb. has been hurt.

3. danci.edu.pub

3. We can work here without disturbance.

disturbance 网络解释

1. disturbance的翻译

1. 扰动:147、波(wave)是从一个位置传播到另外一个位置的一种能量,可以将波看作为扰动(disturbance). 152、计算分贝(dB)的公式如下:dB=10log10(Pfinal/PrefdB=10log10(Vfinal/Vref),其中Pfinal是瓦特(watts)为单位的提交能量值;

2. 干扰:(三)干扰(disturbance)自然突发事件(例如森林火灾)以及人类的经济活动(例如放牧、狩猎、污染等)、新的物种入侵等,可以影响群落的稳定性,导致群落结构发生改变.

3. 骚动:不会因学生不满自己的教学而束手无策,从而引起课堂骚动(disturbance). 外语教师对学生需要有同情心和温和的态度、真诚坦率的性格,同时在课堂上要采用积极的态度,如告诉学生该干什么,则不应强调不能干什么. 外语教师的情绪也直接影响外语教学,

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 骚乱:这场比赛在骚乱(disturbance)中结束. 一开始大家认为美国队将以一分的优势获胜,但是后来宣布离比赛结束还有3秒钟. 然后,一位苏联选手从赛场一端把球向另一端传去,接着另一位选手将球扣入篮中. 这是美国篮球队首次在奥林匹克篮球赛中失利.

disturbance 词典解释

1. 骚乱;动乱
    A disturbance is an incident in which people behave violently in public.

    e.g. During the disturbance which followed, three Englishmen were hurt.
    e.g. ...the worst of last September''sdisturbances.

2. 干扰;扰乱
    Disturbance means upsetting or disorganizing something which was previously in a calm and well-ordered state.

    e.g. The home would cause less disturbance to local residents than a school...
    e.g. The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity.

3. (身体或心理上的)失调,紊乱
    You can use disturbance to refer to a medical or psychological problem, when someone''s body or mind is not working in the normal way.

    e.g. Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.
    e.g. ...the treatment of certain heart rhythm disturbances.

disturbance 英英释义


1. the act of disturbing something or someone
    setting something in motion

2. a noisy fight

    Synonym: affrayfrayruffle

3. activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption

    e.g. the term `distress'' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset
           he looked around for the source of the disturbance
           there was a disturbance of neural function

    Synonym: perturbation

4. electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication

    Synonym: noiseinterference

5. a disorderly outburst or tumult

    e.g. they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused

    Synonym: disruptioncommotionflutterhurly burlyto-dohoo-hahoo-hahkerfuffle

6. (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion
    a more neutral term than mental illness

    Synonym: mental disordermental disturbancepsychological disorderfolie

7. an unhappy and worried mental state

    e.g. there was too much anger and disturbance
           she didn''t realize the upset she caused me

    Synonym: perturbationupset

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