
direct [dəˈrekt]  [dɪˈrɛkt, daɪ-] 


direct 基本解释

形容词直接的; 直的; 直系的; 率直的

副词直接地; 径直地; 直截了当地; 正好

及物动词(用建议、指示、有益的情报等)指导; 导演(戏剧或电影); 指示方向; 把…对准(某方向或某人)


不及物动词引路; 当向导; 领唱; 领奏

direct 同义词

direct 反义词


direct 相关例句


1. The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.

2. direct的反义词

2. He took a direct flight to New York.


1. He directed his letter to the dean''s office.

2. danci.edu.pub

2. Almost all the recent criticism from the mass media is directed at the ever increasing rate of unemployment.

3. direct的近义词

3. The officer directed his men to advance slowly.

direct 情景对话


A:Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand?

B:Sorry, we don't. But I think you can fly on Northwest 222 to Tokyo and then have a connecting flight on Japan Airline 123 to Auckland. And it is the most economical flight, just USD 560.
      对不起,我们没有直飞的航班,但你可以乘坐西北航空公司222航班到达东 京,转乘日本航空公司的123班机到达奥克兰。这个航线也是最经济的,机票才560美元。

A:When does the Flight 222 depart?

B:At 11:30am. By the way, it also makes a refueling stop at Chicago.

A:How big is the layover at Chicago?

B:Less than one hour.

A:And how long do I have to stay in Tokyo for the connecting flight?

B:Not so long, just one hour.


A:So the time for the whole journey is about...

B:About eleven hours.

A:Let me count. OK, it works out for my time schedule. Thanks a lot.


B:You are welcome.


A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.


B:Certainly. We've done some tactical planning already. We think we've come up with a good plan.

A:What media do you plan to use?


B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we've asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.

A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.


B:Yes. We'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.

A:Will there be any direct mail?


B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.

A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups.


B:Great. We'll get started right away.

direct 网络解释

1. direct

1. 指导:薪资制度是人力资源管理中要的一环,也是正式组织结构中的一部分,这是因为它通常被设计成一个明确的过程,用以指导(direct)、建构(structure)薪资制度是人力资源管理中要的一环,也是正式组织结构中的一部分,这是因为它通常被设计成一个明确的过程,

2. 指挥:rmind)、指挥(direct)等造价工程师_工程管理_造价工程师培训工程师是把数学与自然科学知用于实际目的(如设计、建造结构并加以操作)的人造价工程师_工程管理_造价工程师培训 工程师的专业包括土木建筑、土木工程、岩石工程、土岩方、风景园林、园艺、园林、园林建筑、园林工程、园林绿化、古建筑园林、工民建、工民建安装、建

direct 词典解释

1. 径直的;笔直的;直达的
    Direct means moving towards a place or object, without changing direction and without stopping, for example in a journey.

    e.g. They''d come on a direct flight from Athens.
    e.g. ...the direct route from Amman to Bombay.

The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London.

2. (光或热)直接照射的,直接接触的
    If something is in direct heat or light, it is strongly affected by the heat or light, because there is nothing between it and the source of heat or light to protect it.

    e.g. Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight...
    e.g. Direct illumination is harsh and unflattering.

3. (经验、活动或系统)直接的,亲身的
    You use direct to describe an experience, activity, or system which only involves the people, actions, or things that are necessary to make it happen.


    e.g. He has direct experience of the process of privatisation...
    e.g. He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss...

We cannot measure pain directly. It can only be estimated...
The British could do nothing directly to help the Austrians.

4. (联系等)直接的
    You use direct to emphasize the closeness of a connection between two things.

    e.g. They were unable to prove that she died as a direct result of his injection...
    e.g. His visit is direct evidence of the improvement in their relationship...

5. 坦率的;率直的;直截了当的
    If you describe a person or their behaviour as direct, you mean that they are honest and open, and say exactly what they mean.

    e.g. He avoided giving a direct answer...
    e.g. The new songs are more direct...

At your first meeting, explain simply and directly what you hope to achieve...
But he then went on to refer very directly to the argument.
Using ''I'' adds directness to a piece of writing...
''I like Rupert enormously,'' she said, with a directness which made Pat flush.

6. 把…指向;把…对准
    If you direct something at a particular thing, you aim or point it at that thing.

    e.g. I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect...
    e.g. He directed the tiny beam of light at the roof.

7. 使(注意力、情感、行为等)转向;使…指向;把…引向
      If your attention, emotions, or actions are directed at a particular person or thing, you are focusing them on that person or thing.


      e.g. The learner''s attention needs to be directed to the significant features...
      e.g. Do not be surprised if, initially, she directs her anger at you...

8. 使(话语或眼神)针对,指向,冲…而来
      If a remark or look is directed at you, someone says something to you or looks at you.

      e.g. She could hardly believe the question was directed towards her...
      e.g. The abuse was directed at the TV crews...

9. 指引;为…指路
      If you direct someone somewhere, you tell them how to get there.

      e.g. Could you direct them to Dr Lamont''s office, please?...
      e.g. Inside, a guard directed them to the right.

10. 领导;指导;组织;管理
      When someone directs a project or a group of people, they are responsible for organizing the people and activities that are involved.

      e.g. Christopher will direct day-to-day operations.
      e.g. ...his coolness in directing the rescue of nine hostages.

Organizations need clear direction...
The house was built under the direction of John''s partner.

11. 导演,执导(电影、戏剧或电视节目)
      When someone directs a film, play, or television programme, they are responsible for the way in which it is performed and for telling the actors and assistants what to do.

      e.g. He directed various TV shows...
      e.g. The film was directed by Howard Hawks.

12. 指示;命令
      If you are directed to do something, someone in authority tells you to do it.

      e.g. They have been directed to give special attention to the problem of poverty...
      e.g. The Bishop directed the faithful to stay at home.

13. 直系的;嫡系的
      If you are a direct descendant of someone, you are related to them through your parents and your grandparents and so on.


      e.g. She is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria.

14. see also: direction;directly

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