
guide [gaɪd]  [ɡaɪd] 


guide 基本解释

及物动词指导; 引路; 操纵; 影响

名词导游; 向导; 指导者; 有指导意义的事物


guide 同义词

guide 反义词


guide 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. He guided the company through the difficulties.

2. He guided the ship safely into harbor.

3. guide

3. Be guided by your feeling.


1. A guide will show you round the Palace.

2. guide的翻译

2. Let conscience be your guide.

guide 情景对话



A:What’s your job?


B:For now, I’m a student at the university.
      目前, 我在大学里读书。

A:I thought you were working.

B:Well, I work as a tour guide in the holidays.

A:That must be quite interesting.

B:Yes, it is. I like meeting new people and it’s a good chance to practise my English.



A:Hi, I’m Josephine Chen, the tour guide for the Jade Agency. We have a reservation of twenty rooms for tonight.
      嗨!我叫陈佐芬,是翡翠旅游公司的领队,我们订了20 个房间。

B:Please to meet you, Miss Chen. My name is Joey. Welcome to the hotel. Here are the keys, registration slips and breakfast vouchers. Breakfast will be served from seven tomorrow morning. Is there any change in your schedule?
      幸会,陈小姐,我叫祖儿,欢迎光临敝酒店。这是你们的房间钥匙、登记表及早餐券。早餐明早7 点供应。你们的行程有没有改变呢?


A:No, our check-out time will still be 8:30 tomorrow.
      没有,我们依然会在明早8 点半退房。

B:Then we will arrange a morning call at 7:30. Will that be fine?
      那么我把早晨唤醒服务安排在7 点半好吗?

A:That’s alright.

B:Please put your luggage outside your room by eight. The bellboy will pick them up.
      请告诉团友们早上8 点把行李放于房间外,我们的服务员会前来收集的。

A:Thank you.


B:Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy your stay.

guide 网络解释

1. 导游:西法尔新手导游(guide)说 '这里是 西法尔城的 中央广场, 这里有一座喷泉(fountain) ... (PS.俗称 pit ,就是新手之路刚下来的地方) 西法尔新手导游(guide)说 '今亚雷恩世界没有过去的和平, 各地都有许多怪物们聚集.

2. guide的意思

2. 导杆:含4 个网路模组插槽的Cisco 3745 路由器,只要移开每对相邻网路模组插槽之间的中心导杆(guide),就能用2 个高密度服务模组(HDSM) 取替4 个网路模组. 有此新推的HDSM,Cisco 3700 系列路由器得以整合更高的埠密度和新的高效能服务.

3. 手册:实际上,基本税表是给几乎所有的税务居民制订的,为使绝大多数人能理解并正确填报,其各项的说明已尽量地简洁明确,同时还有全面的指导手册(Guide). 税表包括的项目虽然琐细繁多,但具体到每个人的情况,往往只需完成其中的一部分,

guide 词典解释

1. 指南;手册
    A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something.

    e.g. Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better.
    e.g. ...the Pocket Guide to Butterflies of Britain and Europe.

2. 旅行指南
    A guide is a book that gives tourists information about a town, area, or country.

    e.g. The Rough Guide to Paris lists accommodation for as little as £25 a night.

3. 导游
    A guide is someone who shows tourists around places such as museums or cities.

    e.g. We''ve arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide.

4. 给…当导游;带…参观
    If you guide someone around a city, museum, or building, you show it to them and explain points of interest.

    e.g. ...a young Egyptologist who guided us through tombs and temples with enthusiasm...
    e.g. There will be guided walks around the site.

5. 向导
    A guide is someone who shows people the way to a place in a difficult or dangerous region.

    e.g. The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days.

6. 指导原则;准则
    A guide is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something.

    e.g. As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day...
    e.g. When selecting fresh fish, let your taste buds be your guide.

7. 给…带路;为…引路
    If you guide someone somewhere, you go there with them in order to show them the way.

    e.g. He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out...
    e.g. Khandoo guided me through the dark alleys until the smell told me we had arrived.

8. 驾驶(交通工具)
    If you guide a vehicle somewhere, you control it carefully to make sure that it goes in the right direction.


    e.g. Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off.

9. 给…指明方向
    If something guides you somewhere, it gives you the information you need in order to go in the right direction.

    e.g. They sailed across the Baltic and North Seas with only a compass to guide them.

10. 指导;影响
    If something or someone guides you, they influence your actions or decisions.

    e.g. He should have let his instinct guide him...
    e.g. Development has been guided by a concern for the ecology of the area...

11. 指导;指引
      If you guide someone through something that is difficult to understand or to achieve, you help them to understand it or to achieve success in it.


      e.g. ...a free helpline to guide businessmen through the maze of EU grants...
      e.g. The 42-year-old Scot has guided the team to victory in three of their last five games.

guide 英英释义


1. a structure or marking that serves to direct the motion or positioning of something

2. a model or standard for making comparisons

    Synonym: templatetemplet

3. something that offers basic information or instruction

    Synonym: guidebook

4. someone who shows the way by leading or advising

5. someone who can find paths through unexplored territory

    Synonym: scoutpathfinder

6. someone employed to conduct others

    Synonym: usher


1. pass over, across, or through

    e.g. He ran his eyes over her body
           She ran her fingers along the carved figurine
           He drew her hair through his fingers

    Synonym: rundrawpass

2. direct the course
    determine the direction of travelling

    Synonym: steermaneuvermanoeuvermanoeuvredirectpointheadchannelizechannelise

3. take somebody somewhere

    e.g. We lead him to our chief
           can you take me to the main entrance?
           He conducted us to the palace

    Synonym: leadtakedirectconduct

4. use as a guide

    e.g. They had the lights to guide on

    Synonym: guide on

5. be a guiding or motivating force or drive

    e.g. The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses

    Synonym: steer

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