
aim [eɪm]  [em] 


aim 基本解释

及物动词瞄准; 对准; 踢向; 挥向

不及物动词旨在; 以…为目标; 致力于; 决定

名词目的; 目标; 瞄准

aim 相关例句


1. aim的近义词

1. He aimed the gun at the door.


1. He aimed at accuracy.

2. He could not aim straight.

3. My brother aims to be a novelist.


1. aim的近义词

1. It is now our aim to set up a factory.

aim 网络解释

1. aim

1. 瞄准:另外一方面, 如果是重掷的自然六亦会受到此一伤害掷骰.目标於敏捷 (INI) , 攻击 (ATT) , 防御 (DEF) , 瞄准 (AIM) 测试的最后结果受到罚责修正. 而这个罚责的值依此神迹召唤时选择的神恩点数而不同.目标战士得到附体 (Possessed) 特殊能力直到游戏结束.

2. aim是什么意思

2. 目的:三、英文摘要不应有引言中出现的内容,也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论,目的(Aim)不得简单重复题名中已有的信息;结果(Results)的叙述应详细,除了不能使用插图和表格外,论文结果中的所有信息都应得

3. aim的翻译

3. 高增长市场:中华汇于2007年6月在伦敦证券交易所之高增长市场(AIM)上市,专注投资及发展中国内地主要及二线城市的中型至大型停建房产项目,目前投资组合主要分布于沈阳、北京、成都、重庆、大连、广州及青岛等多个主要城市.

4. aim:advanced information managing; 高级信息管理程序

5. aim:advanced industrial materials; 先进工业材料

6. aim:aerobics teaching method; 方法

7. aim:application integrated modules; 应用集成模块

aim 词典解释

1. 致力于;旨在;以…为目标
    If you aim for something or aim to do something, you plan or hope to achieve it.

    e.g. He is aiming for the 100 metres world record...
    e.g. Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth.

2. 目的;目标
    The aim of something that you do is the purpose for which you do it or the result that it is intended to achieve.

    e.g. The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.
    e.g. ...a research programme that has largely failed to achieve its principal aims.

3. 旨在;目的是
    If an action or plan is aimed at achieving something, it is intended or planned to achieve it.

    e.g. The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions.
    e.g. ...talks aimed at ending the war.

4. 决定;想要
    If you aim to do something, you decide or want to do it.

    e.g. Are you aiming to visit the gardens?...
    e.g. I didn''t aim to get caught.

5. (行为、言论)针对,指向
    If your actions or remarks are aimed at a particular person or group, you intend that the person or group should notice them and be influenced by them.

    e.g. His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics...
    e.g. Advertising aimed at children should be curbed.

6. 瞄准;对准
    If you aim a weapon or object at something or someone, you point it towards them before firing or throwing it.

    e.g. He was aiming the rifle at Wade.
    e.g. ...a missile aimed at the arms factory...

7. 瞄准,对准(指技巧或动作)
    Your aim is your skill or action in pointing a weapon or other object at its target.

    e.g. He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his aim.

8. 踢向;挥(拳)向
    If you aim a kick or punch at someone, you try to kick or punch them.

    e.g. They aimed kicks at his shins.

9. 瞄准;对准
    When you take aim, you point a weapon or object at someone or something, before firing or throwing it.

    e.g. She had spotted a man with a shotgun taking aim.

10. 激烈地批评
    If you take aim at someone or something, you criticize them strongly.

    e.g. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.

aim 英英释义


1. the action of directing something at an object

    e.g. he took aim and fired

2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)

    e.g. the sole object of her trip was to see her children

    Synonym: objectobjectivetarget

3. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions

    e.g. his intent was to provide a new translation
           good intentions are not enough
           it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs
           he made no secret of his designs

    Synonym: purposeintentintentiondesign

4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies

    Synonym: bearingheading


1. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

    Synonym: draw a bead onaspireshoot for

2. propose or intend

    e.g. I aim to arrive at noon

    Synonym: purposepurportpropose

3. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public

    Synonym: calculatedirect

4. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal

    e.g. She wanted to aim a pun

5. move into a desired direction of discourse

    e.g. What are you driving at?

    Synonym: driveget

6. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal

    e.g. He aimed his fists towards his opponent''s face
           criticism directed at her superior
           direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself

    Synonym: targetplacedirectpoint

7. point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards

    e.g. Please don''t aim at your little brother!
           He trained his gun on the burglar
           Don''t train your camera on the women
           Take a swipe at one''s opponent

    Synonym: taketraintake aimdirect

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