
click [klɪk]  [klɪk] 


click 基本解释

名词喀哒声; 爪,掣子; [计](鼠标)点击; [语言学]吸气音


不及物动词发出喀哒声; 极成功; 合得来,一见如; [计]鼠击

click 相关例句


1. They get well along in public, but their personalities don''t really click .

2. click

2. They clicked with each other.


3. The opera clicked.

click 情景对话

E-mail account-(电子邮件帐户)

A:How do I set up an email account?


B:Oh, that’s easy. Go to yahoo.com. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope.


A:Which link?


B:That one, the one that says, “Mail.”


A:Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password.

B:Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User”?




B:Click on that.

A:Oh, I see.

B:Yeah, just fill out this fomp3 and choose a password. The computer will do the rest.

Shopping on the Internet-(网上购物)

B:I really want to go to China for vacation, but I can’t find a cheap plane ticket.

A:Have you tried the Internet?

B:No, not yet. Can you find a good price there?

A:Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom.


B:Well, you don’t have to be mean. How do I do it?

A:Go to yahoo.com and click on “Travel” and “Tickets.” They’ll be about a billion sites to look at.
      上雅虎网站,点击“旅游”和 “车票”。就有成千上万的网站供你查找的。

B:O.K. Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find.

A:All right.

B:I’ll look for a ticket for you, too. Thanks.

click 网络解释

1. click

1. 神奇遥控器:新华网洛杉矶6月25日专电(记者曹卫国)据北美电影票房统计机构25日公布的估计数字,新上映的喜剧片<神奇遥控器>>)(Click)在刚刚过去的周末3日狂收4000万美元票房,成为北美电影票房榜新冠军.

click 词典解释

1. (使)发出咔嗒声
    If something clicks or if you click it, it makes a short, sharp sound.


    e.g. The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked...
    e.g. He clicked off the radio...

2. (用鼠标)点击
    If you click on an area of a computer screen, you point the cursor at that area and press one of the buttons on the mouse in order to make something happen.

    e.g. I clicked on a link and recent reviews of the production came up.

3. 豁然开朗;突然醒悟
    When you suddenly understand something, you can say that it clicks .


    e.g. When I saw the television report, it all clicked...
    e.g. It suddenly clicked that this was fantastic fun.

4. (与…)一见如故;(与…)相见恨晚
    If you click with someone, you like each other and become friendly as soon as you meet. You can also say that two people click.

    e.g. They clicked immediately. They loved the same things.
    e.g. ...the man who clicks with the world''s most beautiful women.

5. to click your heels -> see heel
    to click into place -> see place

click 英英释义


1. depression of a button on a computer mouse

    e.g. a click on the right button for example

    Synonym: mouse click

2. a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward

    Synonym: pawldetentdog

3. a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu)

    Synonym: suction stop

4. a short light metallic sound

    Synonym: chinkclink


1. become clear or enter one''s consciousness or emotions

    e.g. It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
           she was penetrated with sorrow

    Synonym: get throughdawncome homeget acrosssink inpenetratefall into place

2. make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens

    Synonym: cluckclack

3. produce a click

    e.g. Xhosa speakers click

4. cause to make a snapping sound

    e.g. snap your fingers

    Synonym: snapflick

5. move or strike with a noise

    e.g. he clicked on the light
           his arm was snapped forward

    Synonym: snap

6. make a clicking or ticking sound

    e.g. The clock ticked away

    Synonym: tick

7. click repeatedly or uncontrollably

    e.g. Chattering teeth

    Synonym: chatter

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