
dog [dɒg]  [dɔ:g] 


dog 基本解释

名词狗; 蹩脚货; 丑女人; 卑鄙小人

动词困扰; 跟踪

dog 相关词组

1. dog it : 打扮起来摆阔, 偷懒, 躲开;

2. lead a dog's life : 过穷困潦倒的日子;

3. treat sb. like a dog : 不把某人当人看;

4. help a lame dog over a stile : 助人度过难关;

5. not have a dog's chance : 一点机会也没有;

6. die a dog's death : 悲惨地死去, 可耻地死去;

dog 相关例句


1. The police dogged the suspected thief.


1. dog的解释

1. It''s enough to drive any one to the dogs.

2. Some people keep dogs in their houses.

3. There was a lot of dog about the affair.

dog 情景对话



A:Did you lock the doors?

B:All except the back door. I left that open for Tim. He took the dog for a walk.

A:Well, I’m going on to bed. I’m beat.


B:Okay. I’m going to stay up a while. I’ve got to go over the household budget. We’re a little overspent this month.

A:Please tell Tim to close the door to the basement. I don’t want the dog down there tonight.

B:Okay. Good night. See you at breakfast.

Watch Games-(看比赛)

A:Here’s your hot dog and beer. What happened? Did I miss anything?


B:Yeah, Cal Ripken just hit a home run.

A:What’s the score?

B:Well it was 3 to 4, but Ripken’s home run made it 5 to 4 since another player was on first base.

A:So Baltimore is winning?



A:This is a really great place to watch a baseball game.


B:Yeah, there isn’t a bad seat in the place.


A:The fans are great here, too. Not like in Philadelphia.


B:It was a great idea to spend a day watching a game.


A:Yeah, it reminds you why they say baseball is America’s favorite pastime.

dog 网络解释

1. 犬:酶标试剂盒,牛血清等),用于大小医院,高校实验室,科研单位,疾控中心等机构常用的临床检验及科研检测酶免定量(ELISA Quantikine)的试剂盒,种属包括:人(human),大鼠(rat),小鼠(mouse),豚鼠(guinea pig),犬(dog),兔(rabbit),

2. dog:data output gate; 数据输出门

dog 词典解释

1. 狗;犬
    A dog is a very common four-legged animal that is often kept by people as a pet or to guard or hunt. There are many different breeds of dog.


    e.g. Outside, a dog was barking...
    e.g. The dog growled again...

2. 公狗;犬科雄兽(雄狐、雄狼等)
    You use dog to refer to a male dog, or to the male of some related species such as wolves or foxes.

    e.g. Is this a dog or a bitch?
    e.g. ...a dog fox.

3. 卑鄙小人;无赖
    If someone calls a man a dog, they strongly disapprove of him.


4. 蹩脚货;粗制滥造的东西
    People use dog to refer to something that they consider unsatisfactory or of poor quality.

    e.g. It''s a real dog.

5. 丑女人
    If someone, especially a man, calls a woman or girl a dog, they mean that she is very ugly, unattractive, or boring.

    e.g. How can you go out with her? She''s a real dog.

6. 困扰;折磨;纠缠
    If problems or injuries dog you, they are with you all the time.

    e.g. The problems that have dogged him all year are just a temporary setback...
    e.g. His career has been dogged by bad luck.

7. (带有赌博性质的)赛狗会,跑狗
    The dogs is a sports meeting where dogs, especially greyhounds, race and people bet on which dog will win.

8. see also: dogged;guide dog;prairie dog;sniffer dog

9. 乱七八糟;一团糟
    You describe something as a dog''s breakfast or dog''s dinner in order to express your disapproval of it, for example because it is very untidy, badly organized, or badly done.

    e.g. The whole place was a bit of a dog''s dinner, really...
    e.g. Our own Board are going to make a dog''s breakfast out of it if we aren''t careful.

10. 狗咬狗;残酷无情的竞争;自相残杀
    You use dog eat dog to express your disapproval of a situation where everyone wants to succeed and is willing to harm other people in order to do so.

    e.g. It is very much dog eat dog out there...
    e.g. The TV business today is a dog-eat-dog business.

11. 败落;大不如前
      If you say that something is going to the dogs, you mean that it is becoming weaker and worse in quality.

      e.g. They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs.

12. 别惹麻烦;别多事
      If someone tells you to let sleeping dogs lie, they are warning you not to disturb or interfere with a situation, because you are likely to cause trouble and problems.

      e.g. Why can''t she let sleeping dogs lie?

13. 不接受新事物;不喜欢新玩意儿
      If you say ''You can''t teach an old dog new tricks'', you are suggesting that someone is unwilling to try new ways of doing things.


dog 英英释义


1. a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times
    occurs in many breeds

    e.g. the dog barked all night

    Synonym: domestic dogCanis familiaris

2. metal supports for logs in a fireplace

    e.g. the andirons were too hot to touch

    Synonym: andironfiredogdog-iron

3. a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward

    Synonym: pawldetentclick

4. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked
    often served on a bread roll

    Synonym: frankfrankfurterhotdoghot dogwienerwienerwurstweenie

5. someone who is morally reprehensible

    e.g. you dirty dog

    Synonym: cadbounderblackguardhoundheel

6. informal term for a man

    e.g. you lucky dog

7. a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman

    e.g. she got a reputation as a frump
           she''s a real dog

    Synonym: frump


1. go after with the intent to catch

    e.g. The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
           the dog chased the rabbit

    Synonym: chasechase aftertrailtailtaggive chasego aftertrack

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