
change [tʃeɪndʒ]  [tʃendʒ] 


change 基本解释

及物动词改变,变更; 交换,替换; 兑换; 换衣服(床单)

不及物动词改变,转变; 交换,互换; 换衣,更衣

名词变化,改变; 交换,交替; 零钱,找头; 代替物

change 相关词组

1. change into : 变成;

2. change over : 改变成, 对调位置;

3. change about : 见异思迁;

4. change for the worse : 恶化;

5. for a change : 为了改变一下, 为了换换口味;

6. change for the better : 好转;

change 相关例句


1. She changed the baby often.

2. Where do we change?


1. It won''t take me five minutes to change.


1. I want some change.

change 情景对话


A:Can I help you?

B:I like to (open up a savings account/ change money/ take out a loan), please.



A:I lost a bunch of money in the last two years.


B:You should change your (brokerage fimp3/ strategy/ investments).



A:I need to change the time we meet for lunch.

B:What time would be good for you?

A:I‘ll be about half an hour late.

B:Good, I‘ll see you there at 12:30.

change 网络解释

1. 交换:C还是创造或造物(Create/Creature)的首字母,当然更是选择(Choose),和交换(Change)的代表,这简直难以置信的和谐!因为宇宙和人类的全部行为和过程都可以被描述为创造,选择和交换,它们正好是一个完整的体系,这个体系还有一个附属属性是能力(或'力'),

2. change:x; 变址

change 词典解释

1. 变化;改变;变革
    If there is a change in something, it becomes different.


    e.g. The ambassador appealed for a change in US policy...
    e.g. What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects...

2. (令人愉快的)变化,改变
    If you say that something is a change or makes a change, you mean that it is enjoyable because it is different from what you are used to.

    e.g. It is a complex system, but it certainly makes a change...
    e.g. Do you feel like you could do with a change?

3. 改用;改做
    If you change from one thing to another, you stop using or doing the first one and start using or doing the second.

    e.g. His doctor increased the dosage but did not change to a different medication...
    e.g. He changed from voting against to abstaining.

4. (使)变化;(使)改变
    When something changes or when you change it, it becomes different.


    e.g. We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change...
    e.g. In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage...

5. 更换;替换
    To change something means to replace it with something new or different.

    e.g. I paid £80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse...
    e.g. If you want to change your doctor there are two ways of doing it.

6. 换(衣服);更衣
    When you change your clothes or change, you take some or all of your clothes off and put on different ones.

    e.g. Ben had merely changed his shirt...
    e.g. They had allowed her to shower and change...

7. 替换衣服;备用衣服
    A change of clothes is an extra set of clothes that you take with you when you go to stay somewhere or to take part in an activity.

    e.g. He stuffed a bag with a few changes of clothing.

8. 换(床单)
    When you change a bed or change the sheets, you take off the dirty sheets and put on clean ones.

    e.g. After changing the bed, I would fall asleep quickly...
    e.g. I changed the sheets on your bed today.

9. 给(婴儿)换尿布;换(尿布)
    When you change a baby or change its nappy or diaper, you take off the dirty one and put on a clean one.


    e.g. She criticizes me for the way I feed or change him...
    e.g. He needs his nappy changed.

10. 转乘,换乘(交通工具);转车;转机
    When you change buses, trains, or planes or change, you get off one bus, train, or plane and get on to another in order to continue your journey.

    e.g. At Glasgow I changed trains for Greenock...
    e.g. We were turned off the train at Hanover, where we had to change.

11. 换(挡)
      When you change gear or change into another gear, you move the gear lever on a car, bicycle, or other vehicle in order to use a different gear.

      e.g. The driver tried to change gear, then swerved...
      e.g. He looked up into the mirror as he changed through his gears.

in AM, use 美国英语用 shift

12. 找零;找头
      Your change is the money that you receive when you pay for something with more money than it costs because you do not have exactly the right amount of money.

      e.g. ''There''s your change.'' — ''Thanks very much.''...
      e.g. They told the shopkeeper to keep the change.

13. 硬币
      Change is coins, rather than paper money.


      e.g. Thieves ransacked the office, taking a sack of loose change...
      e.g. The man in the store won''t give him change for the phone unless he buys something.

14. 零钱
      If you have change for larger notes, bills, or coins, you have the same value in smaller notes, bills, or coins, which you can give to someone in exchange.

      e.g. The courier had change for a £10 note.

15. 兑换(货币);换(零钱)
      When you change money, you exchange it for the same amount of money in a different currency, or in smaller notes, bills, or coins.


      e.g. You can expect to pay the bank a fee of around 1% to 2% every time you change money...
      e.g. If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.

16. 换换口味;变个花样
      If you say that you are doing something or something is happening for a change, you mean that you do not usually do it or it does not usually happen, and you are happy to be doing it or that it is happening.

      e.g. Now let me ask you a question, for a change...
      e.g. Liz settled back in her seat, comfortably relaxed, enjoying being driven for a change.

17. to change for the better -> see better
      to change hands -> see hand
      a change of heart -> see heart
      to change your mind -> see mind
      to change places -> see place
      to ring the changes -> see ring
      to change the subject -> see subject
      to change tack -> see tack
      to change your tune -> see tune
      to change for the worse -> see worse

相关词组:change downchange overchange up

change 英英释义


1. the action of changing something

    e.g. the change of government had no impact on the economy
           his change on abortion cost him the election

2. a different or fresh set of clothes

    e.g. she brought a change in her overnight bag

3. a thing that is different

    e.g. he inspected several changes before selecting one

4. a difference that is usually pleasant

    e.g. he goes to France for variety
           it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic

    Synonym: variety

5. an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another

    e.g. the change was intended to increase sales
           this storm is certainly a change for the worse
           the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago

    Synonym: alterationmodification

6. the result of alteration or modification

    e.g. there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs
           there had been no change in the mountains

7. money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency

    e.g. he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver

8. the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due

    e.g. I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change

9. coins of small denomination regarded collectively

    e.g. he had a pocketful of change

10. a relational difference between states
    especially between states before and after some event

    e.g. he attributed the change to their marriage


1. undergo a change
    become different in essence
    losing one''s or its original nature

    e.g. She changed completely as she grew older
           The weather changed last night

2. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one''s or its former characteristics or essence

    e.g. her mood changes in accordance with the weather
           The supermarket''s selection of vegetables varies according to the season

    Synonym: altervary

3. cause to change
    make different
    cause a transformation

    e.g. The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city
           The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue

    Synonym: altermodify

4. exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category

    e.g. Could you convert my dollars into pounds?
           He changed his name
           convert centimeters into inches
           convert holdings into shares

    Synonym: exchangecommuteconvert

5. remove or replace the coverings of

    e.g. Father had to learn how to change the baby
           After each guest we changed the bed linens

6. change clothes
    put on different clothes

    e.g. Change before you go to the opera

7. lay aside, abandon, or leave for another

    e.g. switch to a different brand of beer
           She switched psychiatrists
           The car changed lanes

    Synonym: switchshift

8. become deeper in tone

    e.g. His voice began to change when he was 12 years old
           Her voice deepened when she whispered the password

    Synonym: deepen

9. change from one vehicle or transportation line to another

    e.g. She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast

    Synonym: transfer

10. give to, and receive from, one another

    e.g. Would you change places with me?
           We have been exchanging letters for a year

    Synonym: exchangeinterchange

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