
shift [ʃɪft]  [ʃɪft] 


shift 基本解释

及物/不及物动词改变; 换挡; 去掉; 摆脱掉

及物动词换…的衣服,更(衣); 卖,出售; [计算机]使(数据)位移

不及物动词(汽车)换挡; 换衣服; 蒙混; 自己谋生

名词移动,转移,转换; 变迁,变化,变换,替换,更换,掉换,更易,代用; (汽车等的)变速

shift 相关词组


1. shift off : 推卸;

2. shift for oneself : 自己尽量想办法过日子;

shift 相关例句


1. 公共查询·英语单词

1. Should I shift gears before making a turn?


2. In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.


1. The wind shifted to the south.


1. Peter is on the day shift and I am on the night shift.

shift 网络解释

1. 偏移:佳能移轴镜头MTF特性曲线顾名思义,移轴镜头与普通镜头的最大区别就是光軸可以偏移(shift)与倾斜(Tilt). 此外,移轴镜头拥有更大的成像圈,佳能三只移轴头的成像圈直径均达到58.6mm,而普通镜头的成像圈只有 ...


2. 轮班:在53个轮班工作的工人中差异最大:服用L.reuteri组的26个轮班(shift)工作工人没有一个生病请假,相较於服用安慰剂那一组,27个换班工作工人则有9个生病请假.

3. 漂移:不仅有方向盘,还有两个踏板,一个漂移(Shift)一个加速(Ctrl),也可以在方向盘上的按钮进行设置. (凭自己喜好. )

shift 词典解释

1. (使)移动;(使)挪动;(使)转移
    If you shift something or if it shifts, it moves slightly.

    e.g. He stopped, shifting his cane to his left hand...
    e.g. He shifted from foot to foot...

2. (意见、情况、政策)有所变动,稍作改变;使发生些许变化
    If someone''s opinion, a situation, or a policy shifts or is shifted, it changes slightly.

    e.g. Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years...
    e.g. The emphasis should be shifted more towards Parliament.

3. 推卸,推诿,转嫁(责任)
    If someone shifts the responsibility or blame for something onto you, they unfairly make you responsible or make people blame you for it, instead of them.


    e.g. It was a vain attempt to shift the responsibility for the murder to somebody else...
    e.g. Their husbands try to shift the blame by accusing them of having ''suspicious minds''.

4. 销售,出售(滞销商品)
    If a shop or company shifts goods, they sell goods that are difficult to sell.

    e.g. Some suppliers were selling at a loss to shift stock.

5. 换(车挡);变(车速)
    If you shift gears in a car, you put the car into a different gear.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 change

6. 轮班;当班时间;轮班职工
    If a group of factory workers, nurses, or other people work shifts, they work for a set period before being replaced by another group, so that there is always a group working. Each of these set periods is called a shift. You can also use shift to refer to a group of workers who work together on a particular shift.


    e.g. His father worked shifts in a steel mill.
    e.g. ...workers coming home from the afternoon shift...

7. see also: shifting

相关词组:shift downshift up

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