
alter [ˈɔ:ltə(r)]  [ˈɔltɚ] 


alter 基本解释

及物动词改变; 更改; 改建(房屋); (人)变老

不及物动词改变; 修改

alter 相关例句


1. The tailor altered the coat to make it shorter.

2. alter的近义词

2. These clothes are too large; they must be altered.

3. Has she altered her mind?


1. danci.911cha.com

1. The city has altered almost out of recognition since I left there five years ago.

2. alter

2. The weather alters almost daily.

alter 网络解释

1. 改变:你可以创建(create)、改变(alter)、显示(display)、删除(delete)对象. 首先是通过控制命令来执行;或者是MQSeries 命令(MQSC),这样的可以从键盘输入、或者从文本中读入;还有一种是可编程命令格式(programmable command format /PCF ),


2. 更改:我们常谈■ 回滚(Rollback)为当某个对话更改了数据库中的数据后,由于某种原因不想提交些更创建(create)数据库对象删除(drop)数据库对象更改(alter)数据库对象解这一上点很重要.

3. alter的近义词

3. 变更:德里达熟练地应用许多不同的而且常常惊人的隐喻来重复同样的观点:边缘(margins),踪迹(trace),流动(flow),原初的作品( archiwriting ),镜子的锡箔纸(tain of the mirror),变更(alter),替补(supplement)等.

4. 修改:创建(Create), 修改(Alter),删除(Drop)模式对象. 对表(Table),索引(Index),聚簇(Cluster)进行分析(Analyze). 加注释(Comments)到数据字典;

alter 词典解释

1. 改变;变更;更改
    If something alters or if you alter it, it changes.

    e.g. Little had altered in the village...
    e.g. They have never altered their programmes by a single day.

alter 英英释义


1. remove the ovaries of

    e.g. Is your cat spayed?

    Synonym: neuterspaycastrate

2. become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one''s or its former characteristics or essence

    e.g. her mood changes in accordance with the weather
           The supermarket''s selection of vegetables varies according to the season

    Synonym: changevary

3. cause to change
    make different
    cause a transformation

    e.g. The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city
           The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue

    Synonym: changemodify

4. insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

    Synonym: interpolatefalsify

5. make an alteration to

    e.g. This dress needs to be altered

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