1. Any departure from this order is considered a violation of the laws.
2. The drunken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations.
1. 违例:Analysis(STA),静态时序分析,这也属于验证范畴,它主要是在时序上对电路进行验证,检查电路是否存在建立时间(setup time)和保持时间(hold time)的违例(violation).
2. 侵犯:也就是说,我们顶多看到的是政府对於原住民人权的消极不作为,并未考察政府是否有侵犯(violation)、或是剥夺(deprivation)原住民的权利;或许,原民会、原住民团体、或是人权组织,可以尝试监测政府、或是社会的负面行为,纪录其发生的频率(frequency),
3. violation
3. 违背:这种现象的存在说明:心理契约的破裂(breach)与违背(violation)在组织中是十分普遍的,二者之间可能不仅存在程度差别,而且还存在性质差别. 相对而言,被并购企业员工的心理契约更容易被违背,并产生消极的情感反应,如怠工、离职或暴力行为等.
1. entry to another''s property without right or permission
Synonym: trespassencroachmentintrusionusurpation
2. a disrespectful act
Synonym: irreverence
3. a crime less serious than a felony
Synonym: misdemeanormisdemeanourinfractioninfringement
4. an act that disregards an agreement or a right
e.g. he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment
Synonym: infringement
5. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
Synonym: rapeassaultravishment