
trash [træʃ]  [træʃ] 


trash 基本解释

名词垃圾,废物; 断枝,碎块; 废话; 社会渣滓

及物动词废弃; 拆毁; 搞垮,贬低; 从…上除去细枝或枝条

trash 相关例句


1. trash的近义词

1. I told him not to read that trash.

2. Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can.

3. His father hated him traveling with trash like them.

trash 情景对话

Community Services-(社区服务)


A:Hi, John, this is Mary, your tenant up in Lincoln Park.

B:Oh, hi, Mary, what can I do for you?

A:I was wondering when trash collection day was.

B:It’s on Tuesdays and Fridays.


B:You could save a couple of dollars by taking it to the dump yourself, though.


A:Oh, o.k. Where’s that?

B:It’s at the corner of that street.

A:Thanks. Who do I call for trash collection?

B:Just leave the stuff by the curb. The company’ll send a guy out next month to give you the bill.

A:All right. Thanks a lot.

B:No problem.

trash 网络解释

1. 垃圾桶:当发送邮箱中的邮件被删除后,垃圾桶(Trash)邮箱自动保留一份邮件副本. 若以后欲重新发送该邮件,只需先将其从垃圾桶邮箱转至发邮件(Out)邮箱,即可单击发送(Send)按钮. 中文解释:你还没有阅读完信件,传到垃圾桶(Trash)邮箱吗?


2. 垃圾箱:我们会看到一个选择联系人列表的按钮(Choose from contacts),如图:Xcavator 还有其自己的特点,在搜索出来的图片中,在下方会有11个小格子用来存放你搜索到自己需要的图片以便稍后取用,另外还有1个垃圾箱(Trash)来移除你不需要的图

trash 词典解释

1. 垃圾;废物
    Trash consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty containers and bottles, and waste food.

    e.g. The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash
    e.g. Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 rubbish

2. 毫无价值的东西;拙劣的作品
    If you say that something such as a book, painting, or film is trash, you mean that it is of very poor quality.


    e.g. Pop music doesn''t have to be trash, it can be art...
    e.g. Don''t read that awful trash.

3. (故意)损坏,捣毁,糟蹋
    If someone trashes a place or vehicle, they deliberately destroy it or make it very dirty.

    e.g. Would they trash the place when the party was over?...
    e.g. The building had been trashed and its electricity supply cut.

4. 痛贬;贬损
    If you trash people or their ideas, you criticize them very strongly and say that they are worthless.

    e.g. People asked why the candidates spent so much time trashing each other.

5. see also: white trash

In American English, the words trash and garbage are most commonly used to refer to waste material that is thrown away. …the smell of rotting garbage… She threw the bottle into the trash. In British English, rubbish is the usual word. Trash and garbage are sometimes used in British English, but only informally and metaphorically. I don''t have to listen to this garbage… The book was trash.
在美国英语中,trash 与 garbage 最常用于表示被丢弃的废物:the smell of rotting garbage (腐烂垃圾的臭味),She threw the bottle into the trash (她把瓶子扔进了垃圾堆)。英国英语中则通常用rubbish。trash 与 garbage 有时亦用于英国英语中,但仅限于非正式语体或比喻用法:I don''t have to listen to this garbage (我不需要听这些废话),The book was trash (那本书简直是垃圾)。

trash 英英释义


1. an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride
    used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant

    Synonym: methamphetaminemethamphetamine hydrochlorideMethedrinemethdeoxyephedrinechalkchicken feedcrankglassiceshabu

2. nonsensical talk or writing

    Synonym: folderolrubbishtripetrumperywish-washapplesaucecodswallop

3. worthless people

    Synonym: scum

4. worthless material that is to be disposed of

    Synonym: rubbishscrap



1. express a totally negative opinion of

    e.g. The critics panned the performance

    Synonym: pantear apart

2. dispose of (something useless or old)

    e.g. trash these old chairs
           junk an old car
           scrap your old computer

    Synonym: junkscrap

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