
crank [kræŋk]  [kræŋk] 


crank 基本解释


名词[机]曲柄; 妙语,奇想; 〈美俚〉想法古怪的人; 〈口〉脾气乖戾的人

及物动词转动曲柄移动; 使弯曲; 给…装上用于转动的曲柄; 转动曲柄开动(引擎)

形容词奇异的,古怪的; 易怒的


crank 相关例句


1. crank

1. My car''s so old that I have to crank it up on cold mornings.

2. crank的近义词

2. My car''s so old that I have to crank it.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. They crank out cars faster than they can sell them.


1. crank的解释

1. The stream comes cranking into the village.

2. The river flows cranking into the village.


1. He is a fresh air crank.

crank 网络解释

1. crank什么意思

1. 曲柄:因为很早以前的车子或飞机它们的引擎是没有起动装置的,所以要发动引擎都要先用一个马达连接一个曲柄 (crank) 去发动引擎, 所以久而久之, 发动车子就变成了crank up.我觉得美国的男生都蛮有风度的,他们会帮女士开门 (这点在美国尤其重要,

2. 曲柄轴:两面的边缘处会产生毛头这是大家都可想像到的,故Nut Former是採取卧式的设计(类似塑胶射出机)两面交互冲压的原理,两面各冲压三次,过去日本Former是以曲柄轴(Crank)来传送动力,依不同的规格生产速度大约是每分钟300~500个螺帽,

3. 柄:红脖子牧场 在报废的汽车旁边可以得到曲柄(Crank). 往前走,杀死突然冲出来的红脖子僵尸. 到屋子跟前,却进不去门. 屋子的右侧有一台发电机,但是现在还无法发动. 继续往右边走,调查角落的物品,可以得到水壶(Jug). 转身前进,

crank 词典解释

1. 想法(或行为)古怪的人
    If you call someone a crank, you think their ideas or behaviour are strange.

    e.g. The Prime Minister called Councillor Marshall ''a crank''...
    e.g. He looked like a crank.

2. 曲柄;曲轴
    A crank is a device that you turn in order to make something move.

3. (尤指用手摇曲柄)转动(或启动)
    If you crank an engine or machine, you make it move or function, especially by turning a handle.

    e.g. The chauffeur got out to crank the motor.

相关词组:crank outcrank up

crank 英英释义


1. a hand tool consisting of a rotating shaft with parallel handle

    Synonym: starter

2. an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride
    used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant

    Synonym: methamphetaminemethamphetamine hydrochlorideMethedrinemethdeoxyephedrinechalkchicken feedglassiceshabutrash

3. a whimsically eccentric person

    Synonym: crackpotnutnut casefruitcakescrewball

4. a bad-tempered person

    Synonym: grouchgrumpchurlcrosspatch


1. bend into the shape of a crank

2. fasten with a crank

3. rotate with a crank

    Synonym: crank up

4. start by cranking

    e.g. crank up the engine

    Synonym: crank up

5. travel along a zigzag path

    e.g. The river zigzags through the countryside

    Synonym: zigzag


1. (used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail

    Synonym: crankytendertippy

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