
superficial [ˌsu:pəˈfɪʃl]  [ˌsu:pərˈfɪʃl] 

superficial 基本解释

形容词表面(上)的; 肤浅的,缺乏深度的; 一知半解的

superficial 同义词

superficial 反义词

superficial 网络解释

1. [浅]:这个时期,审计基本特点主要是:由行会会员(委托方)实施审计,或者至少说有委托方参与审计;审计并非是肤浅(superficial)和应付了事的,而是相当正式的,因为委托方的自利动机使然;对管理当局费用支出是否合理进行详细审计;

2. 肤浅:对待我们这个世界,人类的熟悉是肤浅(Superficial)的. 我们永远无法真正看清这个世界,就好象我们不能隔着活人的皮肉去看清他的骨骼一样.

superficial 词典解释

1. 肤浅的;浅薄的;粗枝大叶的
    If you describe someone as superficial, you disapprove of them because they do not think deeply, and have little understanding of anything serious or important.

    e.g. This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever...
    e.g. The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.

He hated the superficiality, the neon glamour and the cheap prettiness of life in L.A.
Hill cannot write badly or superficially; his characters and plotting are, as usual, admirable.

2. (行动、情感、关系)表面的,外表的,不深入的
    If you describe something such as an action, feeling, or relationship as superficial, you mean that it includes only the simplest and most obvious aspects of that thing, and not those aspects which require more effort to deal with or understand.

    e.g. Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny...
    e.g. His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level...

His assessment only serves to demonstrate the superficiality of the judgements we make when we first meet people.
The film touches on these difficult questions, but only superficially.

3. 表面的,乍看起来的(尤指实际并非如此)
    Superficial is used to describe the appearance of something or the impression that it gives, especially if its real nature is very different.

    e.g. Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels...
    e.g. Spain may well look different but the changes are superficial.

Many of these killers are frequently glib and superficially charming...
Superficially there have been many changes in Britain in recent years.

4. (伤势或伤害)表层的,表皮的,表面的
    Superficial injuries are not very serious, and affect only the surface of the body. You can also describe damage to an object as superficial .

    e.g. The 69-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds...
           69 岁的牧师幸免于难,只受了点皮肉伤。
    e.g. The explosion caused superficial damage to the fortified house.

5. (皮肤)表层的
    The superficial layers of the skin are the ones nearest the surface.

    e.g. ...superficial blood vessels in the forearm.

superficial 英英释义


1. concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious
    not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually

    e.g. superficial similarities
           a superficial mind
           his thinking was superficial and fuzzy
           superficial knowledge
           the superficial report didn''t give the true picture
           only superficial differences

2. of little substance or significance

    e.g. a few superficial editorial changes
           only trivial objections

    Synonym: trivial

3. of, affecting, or being on or near the surface

    e.g. superficial measurements
           the superficial area of the wall
           a superficial wound

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