
submit [səbˈmɪt]  [səbˈmɪt] 


submit 基本解释

不及物动词顺从,服从; 甘受,忍受

及物动词使服从,使顺从; 提交,呈送; [法]主张,建议

submit 同义词


submit 反义词



submit 相关例句


1. I submitted my papers to the examiner.

2. We''ll submit ourselves to the court''s judgments.

3. submit的反义词

3. I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.

4. I submit that this should be allowed .


1. She refused to submit to his control.

submit 网络解释

1. 登录:如何将自己的网页登录(Submit)给AltaVista去建立索引:搜寻字串越多越好:由於Excite是使用概念导向(Concept-Oriented)的搜寻技术,因使若用更多的字进行搜寻,所传回的结果会更精准.

2. submit的意思

2. 递交:但是无论找到了还是没找到,都会看到一个新的按钮出现在屏幕上递交(Submit)按钮的左边,那就是扩展查找(Extend Search). 用鼠标点击它一次,然后按住键盘上的Enter键不放,在这个过程中你会看到屏幕的右侧在不停的闪动各种文件.

3. 提交按钮:html标准中按钮分为三种:普通按钮(button)、提交按钮(submit)和重置按钮(cancel),在NETUI中,这三种按钮对应的标签都是netui:button,三种按钮使用netui:button的type属性区分.

submit 词典解释

1. 顺从;屈服;投降;被迫接受
    If you submit to something, you unwillingly allow something to be done to you, or you do what someone wants, for example because you are not powerful enough to resist.

    e.g. In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain...
    e.g. If I submitted to their demands, they would not press the allegations.

2. 提交,递呈(建议、报告或请求)
    If you submit a proposal, report, or request to someone, you formally send it to them so that they can consider it or decide about it.


    e.g. They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday...
    e.g. Head teachers yesterday submitted a claim for a 9 per cent pay rise.
           校长们昨天提交了一份要求加薪 9%的声明。

submit 英英释义


1. accept or undergo, often unwillingly

    e.g. We took a pay cut

    Synonym: take

2. accept as inevitable

    e.g. He resigned himself to his fate

    Synonym: resignreconcile

3. put before

    e.g. I submit to you that the accused is guilty

    Synonym: stateput forwardposit

4. yield to another''s wish or opinion

    e.g. The government bowed to the military pressure

    Synonym: bowdeferaccedegive in

5. refer for judgment or consideration

    e.g. The lawyers submitted the material to the court

    Synonym: subject

6. make an application as for a job or funding

    e.g. We put in a grant to the NSF

    Synonym: put in

7. yield to the control of another

8. hand over formally

    Synonym: present

9. make over as a return

    e.g. They had to render the estate

    Synonym: render

10. refer to another person for decision or judgment

    e.g. She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues

    Synonym: relegatepass on

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