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pass on [pɑ:s ɔn]  [pæs ɑn] 

pass on 基本解释

pass on

传递; 去世; 前进; 对…发表(意见)

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pass on 相关例句


1. Now, let''s pass on to the next question.

2. Would you pass it on to the next person?

3. pass on

3. I''m sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.

pass on 情景对话

Quality Control-(品管)

A:We''re having some quality-control problems, Jim. We need to go to the source to work them out.

B:What problems are you having, exactly?


A:The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.

B:That''s high.

A:Yes. We keep finding problems when testing the boards.

pass on在线翻译

B:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market.

pass on什么意思

A:The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.


B:That will involve additional expenses for us, which we''ll have to pass on to you as a rate hike.

A:I''m afraid that''s unacceptable. Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than five percent.

B:Well, I''ll tell you what, Mike. I''ll review the contract and talk with management. Then we''ll get together and hash this out.

pass on 网络解释

1. 传递:最后要表示你会坚持共享(share),传递(pass on),感谢(appreciate)和贡献(contribute). 当然由于免费光盘是从欧洲寄给你的,一定要填写规范准确的联系地址,而且要耐心地等上4-6个星期. 所以,如果你有较好的上网条件,

2. pass on在线翻译

2. 把...传给别人;转入:pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 . | pass on 把...传给别人;转入 . | pass out 失去知觉;分发 .

3. 把......传给别人:pass away去世 | pass on把......传给别人 | pay attention to注意

pass on 词典解释

1. 将…传给;将…交给
    If you pass something on to someone, you give it to them so that they have it instead of you.

    e.g. The Queen is passing the money on to a selection of her favourite charities...
    e.g. There is a risk of passing the virus on...

2. 将…转移给;将…转嫁给
    If you pass on costs or savings to someone else, you make them pay for your costs or allow them to benefit from your savings.

    e.g. They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin...
    e.g. I found we could make some saving and it is right to pass the savings on to the customer.

3. 去世;逝世
    You can say that someone passed on to mean that they died, if you want to avoid using the word ''die'' because you think it might upset or offend people.

    e.g. He passed on at the age of 72.

4. see also: pass

pass on 英英释义

pass on是什么意思


1. transmit information

    e.g. Please communicate this message to all employees
           pass along the good news

    Synonym: communicatepasspass alongput across

2. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense

    e.g. Time marches on

    Synonym: advanceprogressmove onmarch ongo on

3. cause be distributed

    e.g. This letter is being circulated among the faculty

    Synonym: circulatepass arounddistribute

4. give to or transfer possession of

    e.g. She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law

5. place into the hands or custody of

    e.g. hand me the spoon, please
           Turn the files over to me, please
           He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers

    Synonym: passhandreachturn overgive

6. transmit (knowledge or skills)

    e.g. give a secret to the Russians
           leave your name and address here
           impart a new skill to the students

    Synonym: impartleavegive

7. refer to another person for decision or judgment

    e.g. She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues

    Synonym: relegatesubmit

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