
stable [ˈsteɪbl]  [ˈstebəl] 


stable 基本解释

形容词稳定的; 沉稳[持重]的; [物理学]稳定平衡的; 持久的

名词厩,马厩,马棚,牛棚; 畜舍; 统称某人拥有(或训练的)赛马; 在同一地方工作或训练的)一批人




stable 同义词

stable 反义词


stable 相关例句


1. A stable government is essential to economic growth.

2. He is a very stable person.

3. stable

3. Is that ladder stable?


1. Horses and cows were stabled on the lower floor.


1. He has a whole stable of informers working for him.

stable 网络解释

1. 兴建马厩:op)BL兴建马厩(Stable)BM兴建市场(Market)BN兴建市镇中心(Town Center)BP兴建寺庙(Temple)BS兴建仓库转运站(Storage Pit)BT兴建防卫塔(Tower)BW兴建城墙(Wall)BY兴建学院(Academy)3.部队生产(必须先用鼠标选择相关的建筑物)在游戏中,

2. stable

2. 马厩:在游戏刚开始时, 除了特殊建筑物(客栈(Inn), 比武场(joust field), 马厩(stable)...等)之外, 城池的外围地区只能说是个相当小的村落(一座农场(Farm), 一个市集(Marketplace), 一间锯木场(sawmill)和采石(quarry)...等),

stable 词典解释

1. 稳定的;稳固不变的
    If something is stable, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly.

    e.g. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.
           油价会在 1992 年剩下的时间里保持稳定。
    e.g. ...a stable marriage.

It was a time of political stability and progress.

2. (性格)平和稳重的,持重的
    If someone has a stable personality, they are calm and reasonable and their mood does not change suddenly.

    e.g. Their characters are fully formed and they are both very stable children.

3. (病人)病情稳定的
    You can describe someone who is seriously ill as stable when their condition has stopped getting worse.


    e.g. The injured man was in a stable condition.

4. (化学物质)稳定的
    Chemical substances are described as stable when they tend to remain in the same chemical or atomic state.


    e.g. The less stable compounds were converted into a compound called Delta-A THC.
           不太稳定的化合物被转换成了一种叫做Delta-A THC的化合物。

5. 稳固的;牢固的
    If an object is stable, it is firmly fixed in position and is not likely to move or fall.

    e.g. This structure must be stable.

6. 马厩
    A stable or stables is a building in which horses are kept.

7. (繁殖、训练赛马的)养马场
    A stable or stables is an organization that breeds and trains horses for racing.


    e.g. Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey''s stable.

8. 把(马)关进马厩
    When horses are stabled, they are put into a stable.

    e.g. The animals had been fed and stabled...
    e.g. You should allow your stabled horse a couple of hours'' freedom per day.

9. 接受同一经纪人服务的一群人
    You can say that someone has a stable of people when they manage and promote the careers of that group of people.


    e.g. As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities.

10. 亡羊补牢
      If you say that someone has closed or shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, you mean that they have tried to prevent something happening but they have done so too late to prevent damage being done.

stable 英英释义


1. a farm building for housing horses or other livestock

    Synonym: stallshorse barn



1. shelter in a stable

    e.g. stable horses


1. showing little if any change

    e.g. a static population

    Synonym: staticunchanging

2. maintaining equilibrium

3. not taking part readily in chemical change

4. firm and dependable
    subject to little fluctuation

    e.g. the economy is stable

5. resistant to change of position or condition

    e.g. a stable ladder
           a stable peace
           a stable relationship
           stable prices

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