1. Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.
1. 安定性:虽然仍就在研究初期,视网醇在视网质中是克服皮肤老化和问题皮肤最显着的药剂,决定视网醇功效的因素是浓度(concentration)、安定性(stability)、包膜方法(encapsulation method)和配方(formualtion).
2. 稳定度:坚固性(Durability)乃宝石抵抗配戴、热及化学品的能力,依化学组成和结晶构造不同,各宝石的坚固性亦不尽相同. 坚固性包含三项要素: 硬度(Hardness)、 韧度(Toughness)、 稳定度(Stability)
1. -> see stable
1. the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation
e.g. early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds
Synonym: constancy
2. the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast
Synonym: stableness
3. a stable order (especially of society)