
spark [spɑ:k]  [spɑ:rk] 


spark 基本解释

名词电火花; 燃烧的颗粒; 火星,火花,余火; (金属的)发光的颗粒

不及物动词发出火星,发出闪光; 热烈赞同; 正常运转

及物动词发动,触发; 激起运动,鼓舞

spark 相关词组

1. bright spark : 精明的人, 生气勃勃的人;

spark 相关例句


1. The discovery sparked us to further study.

2. The railroad didn''t pay him to spark a girl on its time.



1. Her mother sparked to the idea of an early wedding date.


1. Sparks flew up from the fire.


2. A cigarette spark started the fire.

spark 网络解释

1. 斯帕克:上海别克、君威、赛欧、君越、HRV、凯越、GL8、陆尊 荣御 雪佛兰 景程 新赛欧 乐聘 乐风 斯帕克(SPARK)

2. 斯巴达克:NFA) 斯巴达克(SPARK) 宝联 磐正(EPOX) 万丽(MANLI) 旌宇(SPARKLE) 绘虹(XGI) 耕昇(Gainward) 大白鲨 幻彩 维升 精星(Gecube) 赢嘉(HOWIN)三星硬盘(SAMSUNG) 日立硬盘((Hitachi)迈拓硬盘((Maxtor) 希捷硬盘((Seagate)星宇泉 金河田 威盛 辛巴达 东方城 富士康 世纪之星 美基 技展 TT HKC 酷冷至尊(COOLERMASTER) 大水牛 多彩

3. 电火花:在墙上有个电闸开关,对面还有个洗手盆,派静电幽灵在电闸上使用电火花(Spark)魔法,同时派水幽灵在洗水盆上使用水灾(Flood)魔法,这样电流通过水流将鬼魂的电椅短路,让电椅幽灵(Electrospasm)加入队伍.

spark 词典解释

1. 火花;火星
    A spark is a tiny bright piece of burning material that flies up from something that is burning.


    e.g. The fire gradually got bigger and bigger. Sparks flew off in all directions.

2. 电火花;火花放电
    A spark is a flash of light caused by electricity. It often makes a loud sound.

    e.g. He passed an electric spark through a mixture of gases.

3. 发出火花;闪光
    If something sparks, sparks of fire or light come from it.

    e.g. The wires were sparking above me...
    e.g. I stared into the flames of the fire as it sparked to life.

4. 引起(大火)
    If a burning object or electricity sparks a fire, it causes a fire.

    e.g. A dropped cigarette may have sparked the fire.

5. 微量;一点点
    A spark of a quality or feeling, especially a desirable one, is a small but noticeable amount of it.

    e.g. His music lacked that vital spark of imagination...
    e.g. Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement.

6. 触发;引发
    If one thing sparks another, the first thing causes the second thing to start happening.


    e.g. What was it that sparked your interest in motoring?
    e.g. The proposals are expected to spark heated debate.

7. see also: bright spark

8. 激烈争论;热烈讨论
    If sparks fly between people, they discuss something in an excited or angry way.

    e.g. They are not afraid to tackle the issues or let the sparks fly when necessary.

相关词组:spark off

spark 英英释义


1. merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance

    e.g. he had a sparkle in his eye
           there''s a perpetual twinkle in his eyes

    Synonym: sparkletwinklelight

2. a momentary flash of light

    Synonym: flickerglint

3. a small fragment of a burning substance thrown out by burning material or by friction

4. electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field

    Synonym: dischargearcelectric arcelectric discharge

5. a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger

    e.g. a spark of interest
           a spark of decency


1. put in motion or move to act

    e.g. trigger a reaction
           actuate the circuits

    Synonym: tripactuatetriggeractivateset offspark offtrigger offtouch off

2. emit or produce sparks

    e.g. A high tension wire, brought down by a storm, can continue to spark

    Synonym: sparkle

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