
flicker [ˈflɪkə(r)]  [ˈflɪkɚ] 


flicker 基本解释

动词闪烁; 飘扬,摆动; 昏倒

名词闪烁; 闪光; 电影; 假装昏倒的乞丐

flicker 相关例句


1. The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp.


1. She was reading by the flickering light of the candle.


2. The candle flickered in the wind.

3. flicker在线翻译

3. The candle flickered and then went out.

4. The fire flickers low.

flicker 网络解释

1. 闪变:电压降落(VOLTAGE SAG),闪变(FLICKER)、脉冲(IMPULSE)、暂态升高(SWELL)、谐波(HARMONICS)以及断电(OUTAGE). 标准化部门已经制定了适用于不同用户的电能质量的标准. 例如,对计算机用户而言,持续时间为0.1秒的40%的电压降落是不允许的.

2. 画面闪烁:倍频扫描可减少画面闪烁(Flicker)现象. 面反转驱动的作用为,当资料写入构成每个画面中的画素时,都能保持相同的极性,具有拉升画面对比度(Contrast Ratio)的效果,而这也是为何D5面板在对比度上优於D4面板的缘故.

3. 闪烁,闪光:fleximeter 关节屈度计 | flicker 闪烁,闪光 | flicker photometer 闪变光度计

flicker 词典解释

1. (灯光等)闪烁,摇曳
    If a light or flame flickers, it shines unsteadily.

    e.g. Fluorescent lights flickered, and then the room was brilliantly, blindingly bright...
    e.g. A television flickered in the corner.

2. (情感的)闪现,一闪而过
    If you experience a flicker of emotion, you feel that emotion only for a very short time, and not very strongly.

    e.g. He felt a flicker of regret...
    e.g. He looked at me, a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes.

3. (表情)掠过,闪过
    If an expression flickers across your face, it appears very briefly.

    e.g. A smile flickered across Vincent''s grey features.
    e.g. ...a shadow of disquiet flickering over his face.

4. (眼睛)瞟过
    If someone''s eyes flicker towards something, they look at it quickly.

    e.g. Dirk''s eyes flickered towards the pistol...
    e.g. His dark eyes flickered over her face.

5. 抖动;颤动
    If something flickers, it makes very slight, quick movements.

    e.g. In a moment her eyelids flickered, then opened...
    e.g. A few moments later Mrs Tenney''s eyelids flickered open.

flicker 英英释义


1. the act of moving back and forth

    Synonym: waverflutter

2. North American woodpecker

3. a momentary flash of light

    Synonym: sparkglint


1. move back and forth very rapidly

    e.g. the candle flickered

    Synonym: waverflitterflutterquiver

2. flash intermittently

    e.g. The lights flicked on and off

    Synonym: flick

3. shine unsteadily

    e.g. The candle flickered

    Synonym: flick

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