
slow [sləʊ]  [sloʊ] 


slow 基本解释

形容词慢的; 迟钝的; 温和的; 慢于…的

副词慢慢地; 缓慢地


不及物动词变慢; 变萧条

及物动词放慢; 阻碍

slow 同义词

slow 反义词

slow 相关例句


1. slow的近义词

1. He''s a slow walker.

2. My watch is five minutes slow.

3. What a slow party!


1. My watch goes slow.



1. He slowed his pace.


1. The train slowed as it approached the station.

slow 情景对话

American English Rhythm-(美国英语的节拍)

A:Hello, Harry. Where are you off to?

B:I'm going home to study my English lesson.

A:English lesson?

B:Yes. I'm trying to learn a little more.I don't always understand what people say, and they don't always understand me.

A:What're you learning about?

B:Well. For instance, some words in a sentence are stressed.The time between two of these stressed words is always about the same. No matter how many words there are.This is what makes English sound jerky. First you go very fast, and then perhaps you slow up.


A:Hmmmm. I never noticed that. Give me an example.

B:Sure, Here's a sentence we memorized for class. "You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time."It takes just as long to say"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"as it does to say"you told me last night"
      可以。这儿有一句我们在上课时应记住的话:"You told me last night not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time。"在说"not to let you argue me out of getting you up on time"这段话的时间就和说"you told me last night"这句话一样长。

slow 网络解释

1. 慢步:舞步有快步和慢步 快步(quick)占半拍 用Q表示;慢步(slow)占一拍 用S表示. 基本节奏是慢、慢、快、快、慢(S、S、Q、Q、S). 舞曲节奏带有停顿并强调切分音;舞步顿挫有力 潇洒豪放;身体无起伏、无升降、无旋转;表情严肃 有左顾右盼的头部闪动动作.

slow 词典解释

1. 慢的;缓慢的
    Something that is slow moves, happens, or is done without much speed.

    e.g. The traffic is heavy and slow...
    e.g. Electric whisks should be used on a slow speed.

He spoke slowly and deliberately...
Christian backed slowly away.
She lowered the glass with calculated slowness.

2. (用于非正式英语中)缓慢地,慢吞吞地
    In informal English, slower is used to mean ''at a slower speed'' and slowest is used to mean ''at the slowest speed''. In non-standard English, slow is used to mean ''with little speed''.

    e.g. I began to walk slower and slower...
    e.g. We got there by driving slow all the way.

3. 费时间的;时间长的;迟缓的
    Something that is slow takes a long time.

    e.g. The distribution of passports has been a slow process.

My resentment of her slowly began to fade.
...the slowness of political and economic progress.

4. (办事)慢的,迟的
    If someone is slow to do something, they do it after a delay.

    e.g. The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis...
    e.g. I''ve been a bit slow in making up my mind.

5. (使)慢下来;(使)放慢速度
    If something slows or if you slow it, it starts to move or happen more slowly.

    e.g. The rate of bombing has slowed considerably...
    e.g. She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road...

6. 迟钝的;反应不灵敏的
    Someone who is slow is not very clever and takes a long time to understand things.

    e.g. He got hit on the head and he''s been a bit slow since.

7. 呆滞的;不景气的;沉闷的
      If you describe a situation, place, or activity as slow, you mean that it is not very exciting.


      e.g. Don''t be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring...
      e.g. The island is too slow for her liking.

8. (钟表)走得慢的
      If a clock or watch is slow, it shows a time that is earlier than the correct time.

9. see also: slow-

10. slow off the mark -> see mark
      slowly but surely -> see surely
      slow on the uptake -> see uptake

相关词组:slow downslow up

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