
quick [kwɪk]  [kwɪk] 


quick 基本解释

形容词快的,急速的; 聪明的,凌厉的; 灵活的; 短时间做成的


名词(指甲下的)活肉; 感情的中枢,感觉最敏锐的地方; 要害,核心

quick 同义词

quick 反义词



quick 相关词组

1. to the quick : 触及要害;

quick 相关例句


1. Be quick!

2. quick的解释

2. She is quick at learning a foreign language.

3. quick

3. He is quick to act.


1. The sweater fits you quick.

2. He runs as quick as a deer.


1. The remark hurt him to the quick.

quick 情景对话


A:Do you know what we’re supposed to wear to the party this evening?


B:I don’t know. I was just going to go in a pair of shorts and my blue Hawaiian shirt. What were you going to wear?


A:I was going to wear my new suit that I bought last week.

B:That’s a little dressy, isn’t it?

A:Your outfit is a little too casual, isn’t it?

B:I don’t know. I thought it was an outdoor barbeque.


A:Well, it is, but it’s for a special occasion.

B:Surely they wouldn’t expect us to dress up if we were going to be outside.


A:I think it’s a catered barbeque though. I think it’s going to be quite fancy.

B:Well, if you think we should dress up, I’ll dress up.


A:I don’t know. I don’t want to be overdressed.


B:Do you think we should call to ask about the dress code?

A:I don’t want to bother them with our silly questions.

B:Why don’t we call some of the other people who are going? We can ask them what they’re going to wear.

A:Ok. You talk to the guys and I’ll talk to the women.


B:How about you talk to the women for both of us and I’ll go take a quick nap?



quick 网络解释

1. quick:quadratic upwind interpolation of convective kinematics scheme; quick格式

quick 词典解释

1. 快的;迅速的;急速的
    Someone or something that is quick moves or does things with great speed.

    e.g. You''ll have to be quick. The flight leaves in about three hours...
    e.g. I think I''m a reasonably quick learner...

Cussane worked quickly and methodically...
Stop me if I''m speaking too quickly.
...the natural quickness of his mind.

2. (quicker 有时表示“以更快的速度”,quickest表示“以最快的速度”,quick有时表示“以很快的速度”,但有些人认为这种用法并不规范)
    Quicker is sometimes used to mean ''at a greater speed'', and quickest to mean ''at the greatest speed''. Quick is sometimes used to mean ''with great speed''. Some people consider this to be non-standard.


    e.g. Warm the sugar slightly first to make it dissolve quicker...
    e.g. Prost went quickest.

3. 短暂的;持续时间很短的
    Something that is quick takes or lasts only a short time.


    e.g. He took one last quick look about the room...
    e.g. I just popped in for a quick drink...

You can become fitter quite quickly and easily.

4. 立刻发生的;很快发生的
    Quick means happening without delay or with very little delay.

    e.g. Officials played down any hope for a quick end to the bloodshed...
    e.g. These investors feel the need to make quick profits.

We need to get it back as quickly as possible...
It quickly became the most popular men''s fragrance in the world...
''Not me,'' Robarts said quickly.

5. 迅速发生地;很快发生地
    Quick is sometimes used to mean ''with very little delay''.

    e.g. I got away as quick as I could...
    e.g. Quick! John! It''s Carmela. I think she''s taken an overdose...

6. 立刻的;马上的
    If you are quick to do something, you do not hesitate to do it.

    e.g. Mark says the ideas are Katie''s own, and is quick to praise her talent...
    e.g. Furthermore, as Gervaise was quick to point out, Mr Scully was not a detective.

7. 性情急躁的;容易发怒的
      If someone has a quick temper, they are easily made angry.

8. 咬到了指甲肉;咬秃指甲
      If someone bites their nails to the quick, they bite off all the white part at the end of each nail.


      e.g. Her fingernails are bitten to the quick.

9. 触及(…)痛处;极大伤害;令…伤透了心
      If something cuts you to the quick, it makes you feel very upset.

      e.g. I once heard her weeping in her bedroom, which cut me to the quick.

10. quick as a flash -> see flash
      quick off the mark -> see mark
      quick on the uptake -> see uptake

quick 英英释义


1. any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail)



1. moving quickly and lightly

    e.g. sleek and agile as a gymnast
           as nimble as a deer
           nimble fingers
           quick of foot
           the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it

    Synonym: agilenimblespry

2. easily aroused or excited

    e.g. a quick temper
           a warm temper

    Synonym: warm

3. performed with little or no delay

    e.g. an immediate reply to my letter
           a prompt reply
           was quick to respond
           a straightaway denial

    Synonym: immediatepromptstraightaway

4. accomplished rapidly and without delay

    e.g. was quick to make friends
           his quick reaction prevented an accident
           hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem
           a speedy recovery
           he has a right to a speedy trial

    Synonym: speedy

5. hurried and brief

    e.g. paid a flying visit
           took a flying glance at the book
           a quick inspection
           a fast visit

    Synonym: flyingfast

6. apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity

    e.g. a quick mind
           a ready wit

    Synonym: ready


1. with little or no delay

    e.g. the rescue squad arrived promptly
           come here, quick!

    Synonym: promptlyquickly

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