1. 西迷舞:但却出乎意外谢龙罗宾士(Jerome Robbins)长城风骏皮卡4.7万于1957年的<长城迪尔皮卡汽车报价随著一九二零年纽奥良的黑人们开始演奏其爵士音乐以来,就流行许多以混会体方式的摇滚型舞蹈,如查尔斯登舞(Charleston),西迷舞(Shimmy),琳蒂舞(Lindy)等均盛行一时,
2. shimmy在线翻译
2. 西米:比如是婚礼, 孩子出生或者是各种派对.它是一种大人,小孩,老人作为自愉自乐的舞蹈而不是取悦观众的舞蹈.就象现在美式的婚礼人们会跳华尔兹,圆拍舞,甚至是企鹅舞, 同样的在中东,人们会伴着他们最喜欢的音乐,西米(shimmy)起舞.
3. shimmy的翻译
3. 顫動:一种利用身体肌力控制, 表现出颤动(Shimmy)及柔美的肢体律动. 肚皮舞虽指肚皮的肌力所带动的舞蹈, 不过未必都得露出肚皮. 中东许多地方女性可以将身上的围巾绑於腰间, 即可跳出一段动人的肚皮舞蹈. 由於肚皮舞蹈与音乐节拍密不可分,
4. 摆动:/shake (颤抖) | /shimmy (摆动) | /shindig (狂欢)
1. (抖动着肩膀和臀部)跳希米舞;一扭一摆地走
If you shimmy, you dance or move in a way that involves shaking your hips and shoulders from side to side.
e.g. Dancers shimmied in the streets of New Orleans...
e.g. Tina Turner shimmied across the stage in an incredibly sexy dress.
1. lively dancing (usually to ragtime music) with much shaking of the shoulders and hips
2. a woman''s sleeveless undergarment
Synonym: chemiseshiftslipteddy
3. an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the front wheels)
e.g. he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel