
rope [rəʊp]  [roʊp] 


rope 基本解释

名词绳索; 粗绳; 一串; 学会决窍,知道决窍

及物动词(用绳子)捆; 用绳子系牢; 捆紧; 用套索抓捕(动物)



rope 相关词组

1. give sb. rope : 任(某人)自由行动; 放任;

2. know the ropes : 知道内情;


rope 相关例句


1. rope的解释

1. We roped the calf.

2. The animals have been roped together.

3. rope在线翻译

3. The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd.

1. I''ve been roped in to help sell the tickets.


1. rope什么意思

1. The climbers were on the rope.

2. This ladder is made of rope.

rope 网络解释

1. 绳索:<绳索>> (Rope) 虽然本片并不算希区柯克的成功之作,但是他在影片中运用的连续的、几乎不经任何修改的镜头开创了电影界的先河,使它成为1948年的一部经典作品,因而<绳索>>也就成为了那个时代的一个里程碑.

2. 绳:• 用先进先出(FIFO)的方法使用看板.• 目的:使生产线的瓶颈(constraint)之总产出率(throughput)为最大.• 绳(Rope):从瓶颈到最前制程(gate way operation)的沟通,用以调节投料速度,使瓶颈制程的速率极大.

3. rope:respiratory-ordered phase encoding; 呼吸运动位置相位编码技术

rope 词典解释

1. 粗绳;绳索;缆绳
    A rope is a thick cord or wire that is made by twisting together several thinner cords or wires. Ropes are used for jobs such as pulling cars, tying up boats, or tying things together.

    e.g. He tied the rope around his waist.
    e.g. ...a climbing rope.

2. (用绳索)捆,绑,拴
    If you rope one thing to another, you tie the two things together with a rope.

    e.g. I roped myself to the chimney.

3. (拳击或摔跤场地的)围绳,圈绳
    The ropes refers to the fence made of rope that surrounds a boxing ring or a wrestling ring.

    e.g. He was knocked through the ropes by Tafer.

4. 任由…自作自受;任…作茧自缚;任…出丑
    If you give someone enough rope to hang themselves, you give them the freedom to do a job in their own way because you hope that their attempts will fail and that they will look foolish.

    e.g. The King has merely given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves...
    e.g. If we give her enough rope, she will hang herself.

5. 熟悉门道;学习窍门
    If you are learning the ropes, you are learning how a particular task or job is done.

6. 懂行;在行;熟悉技巧
    If you know the ropes, you know how a particular job or task should be done.

    e.g. The moment she got to know the ropes, there was no stopping her.

7. 轻松赚来的钱
    If you describe a payment as money for old rope, you are emphasizing that it is earned very easily, for very little effort.

8. 处境艰难;即将放弃;濒临失败;走投无路
    If you say that someone is on the ropes, you mean that they are very near to giving up or being defeated.

    e.g. The army claims the rebels are on the ropes.

9. 教…如何做;教…方法;教…诀窍
    If you show someone the ropes, you show them how to do a particular job or task.

相关词组:rope inrope off

rope 英英释义


1. street names for flunitrazepan

    Synonym: R-2Mexican valiumrophyroofyroachforget me drugcircle

2. a strong line



1. fasten with a rope

    e.g. rope the bag securely

    Synonym: leash

2. catch with a lasso

    e.g. rope cows

    Synonym: lasso

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