1. 预防性的:反收购措施的部署可分为两类:预防性的(preventative)和主动性的(active). 预防性的措施是为了减少财务上成功的敌意收购的可能性,而主动性的措施在敌意报价出现后采取. 这里的毒丸是指目标公司发行的用以降低企业在敌意收购方眼中的价值的新证券.
2. 预防:虽然现在的一些网络过滤产品具有限制间谍软件的过滤功能,但梭子鱼间谍软件防火墙提供更完整、技术水平更高的安全保护,梭子鱼间谍软件防火墙组合了预防(preventative)、激活(reactive)和前期反应(proactive)来形成完整的反间谍软件和
3. preventative
3. 预防措施预防法预防的:preventative 预防措施a.预防的 | preventative 预防措施预防法预防的 | preventativemaintenance 防护检修
4. 预防措施a.预防的:preventative resistance 防止短路用的电阻 | preventative 预防措施a.预防的 | preventative 预防措施预防法预防的
1. 同preventive
Preventative means the same as preventive .
1. an agent or device intended to prevent conception
Synonym: contraceptivepreventivecontraceptive deviceprophylactic devicebirth control device
2. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
Synonym: hindrancehinderancehitchpreventiveencumbranceincumbranceinterference
3. remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
e.g. the doctor recommended several preventatives
Synonym: preventiveprophylactic
1. preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease
e.g. preventive medicine
vaccines are prophylactic
a prophylactic drug
Synonym: preventiveprophylactic
2. tending to prevent or hinder
Synonym: preventive