1. 藜:pigwash 猪饲料 | pigweed 藜 | pika 鼠兔
2. pigweed
2. 苋科:thistle 蓟 | pigweed 苋科 | marsh elder 湿地接骨木
3. 马齿苋:毛地黄Foxglove | 马齿苋Pigweed | 颠茄Belladonna
4. 藜; 苋 (名):pigtail 猪尾, 接续用铜线, 发辫 (名) | pigwash 饲猪的厨房剩菜 (名) | pigweed 藜; 苋 (名)
1. leaves collected from the wild
Synonym: lamb''s-quarterwild spinach
2. leaves sometimes used as potherbs
seeds used as cereal
southern United States to Central America
India and China
Synonym: Amaranthus hypochondriacus
3. common weedy European plant introduced into North America
often used as a potherb